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"Skye, sweetheart, you're going to be late!" My mother called.

"But Mum, I cant find Chase's tags! I need them!" I called back frantically. I was ready for school - dressed like normal but I was panicking because I couldn't find his tags.

Chase had always worn two on a chain - one was his dad's military one and the other was his own cadet one.

I ran downstairs looking all over the place. I don't understand. I hadn't taken them off since... since...

For a week.

Our school had been closed for a week because of the incident. To say my boyfriend wasn't close to many people would be a huge lie. Even our headmaster was greatly affected by... this.

I started hyperventilating and felt my mother turn me around and tilt my chin up.

"Skye, I promise you we'll find them. We have to go, Okay?" She said calmly.

"Okay." I nodded and followed her to the car.

I was not looking forward to this.

I was met by Marshall and Everest at the gates. I reluctantly said goodbye to my mother and walked out of the car and towards the building with my friends. We met Rocky, Zuma, Rubble and Tracker inside the doors and walked to our lockers.

My breath hitched as I saw them. The blue door next to mine was covered in flowers, notes and photos. It was Chase's locker.

One of the boys that was close by taped a photo on the door and turned, spotting me. I recognised him as Alex, one of Chase's fellow cadets. I'd met him when I'd gone to one of their presentation dinners.

He walked over and pulled me into a hug. I'd always liked Alex - he was a good friend and knew I didn't want to hear 'sorrys' today. He rubbed my back a few times and pulled away, giving a hollow smile.

"I miss him too. He never stopped talking about you, y'know. Come find me if you need." He smiled, squeezing my hand. I nodded, giving a half hearted smile as he walked away, wiping his eyes.

We continued walking to our lockers and putting our things away. A few people, teachers and students, came to offer condolences to me and my friends. We thanked them and carried on like normal.

Except it wasn't.

Nothing would be normal again.

Everest walked over to me and hugged me. She knew I needed it.

"Thank you."

"No problem, Skye."

All of a sudden, I heard a very loud, very dramatic wail from the other side of the corridor. All of us turned and saw a group of girls surrounding another. This was followed by laughter from the same person.

We watched on confused and as the circle parted, I saw Sweetie - Chase's ex girlfriend. She was twirling something around her finger.

It was a long chain...

With two, silver tags...

How did she..?

"What the hell?" Marshall croaked, his throat sore from previously crying. He walked over to the white haired witch with the rest of us following.

"What?" She asked, returning to her over the top, upset act. "I'm mourning him." She clutched the tags.

Forget not drawing attention to myself. I was pissed.

Angel With A Shotgun - A Skye X Chase Story (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now