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⚠️ Okay so before I start this chapter I am just giving a trigger warning (rape). Normally I don't put warnings like these but for this one, I honestly feel that it's necessary. If you feel uncomfortable please, please, please don't feel like you have to read it.⚠️


I panicked.

The last time she came that close to me... well...

We were thirteen, it'd been six months since my father's death and I was still emotionally fragile. For those six months and four or five prior, Sweetie had been my girlfriend. She was loving and supportive and one of my strongest rocks when we received the news.

But that all changed one night.

We were at her place, her parents were away for the weekend and my mother was on a spa trip to rest herself. The pair of us had been watching movies, eating unhealthy food and drinking soda (I am... or was, not that irresponsible).


"Want another drink Chase?" Sweetie smiled up at me, lifting her head from my shoulder.

"Hmmm, Okay." I smiled, placing a kiss on her head. The white haired girl stood up and walked to the kitchen, coming back with two cans of Dr Pepper, both opened. I reached for the one in her left hand.

"No!" She said, slightly raising her voice. I yanked my hand away and looked at her surprised. "I, uh, already had some of that one." She smiled. I chuckled and took the other can, pretty much downing it because of how thirsty I was. After a few minutes, I felt like the room was spinning, slightly nauseous but not enough to physically throw up. It must've been obvious because Sweetie looked at me strangely.

She smiled and pulled me upstairs, nothing new, we had slept in the same bed before. We were both too young for anything like that, and she knew I wasn't ready.

She knew that.

It wasn't unusual for her to kiss me before we fell asleep. Or for her to hold my hands as we did, this was normal. We'd sort of made out before, awkwardly as a thirteen year old couple would do.

But it was new when she pulled my hands to her thighs. I was unsure but not uncomfortable. Clearly, she wasn't either because she was the one who put my hands there.

I wasn't used to her pushing against me so we were laying with her on top of me, a leg on either side of my hips. I already had my shirt off, due to the heat. She only had a sports bra and shorts on for the same reason.

She moved my hand even further up her leg. That's when I realised what she wanted. I shook my head and pulled my lips away from hers.

"No. Not now." I said, thinking that it was an accident that she took it too far.

I expected the usual apology but was met with an eye roll and the shorter girl continuing to kiss me so I had trouble breathing. I was panicking but I couldn't push her away or fight back. I felt dizzy and weak ever since that drink and she held my wrists above my head, nails clawing at my skin.

"No, Sweetie." I pleaded as she pulled away slightly. She shook her head and kissed me again, using her free hand to slip off her shorts and pull at the hem of my sweats.

"No. Please. No, Sweetie, I'm not ready." I whined, tears starting to spill from my eyes.

"Well, your body says otherwise." She growled in my ear before finally working off my clothes and wasting no time in pushing herself onto me.

I cried.

From pain or embarrassment I don't know which.

I hated how my body reacted.

I hated this.

I felt so dirty.




After ten minutes of pleading her to stop, I just gave up. Whatever was in that drink took over me and I passed out with tears still falling from my eyes.

The next morning, I was the first to wake up, pain shooting through my body like thousands of knives. I looked around and started to recognise my surroundings.

Her room.

The events of the previous night hit me like a brick. My... girlfriend had, she had... r-raped me.

Tears started to fall from my eyes as I struggled to my feet and, as quickly as I could, got dressed.

I had to get out of there. Who do I call?

Mum? No, she's on a break. I don't need her worrying anymore about me.

The guys? No, what if they laugh at me when I tell them? I mean, I'm a guy, a man, I should have been able to stop her.

Ev? No, she'll be busy helping her dad at the ski slopes.

That left me with one choice. Possibly the best listener I knew.

"Chase?" I heard from my phone after a few rings.

"Skye." I whimpered, looking around nervously as I left the house, bag on my back and aching legs.

"What's wrong?" She asked, worry laced in her voice.

"C-can you m-m-meet me at the park." I paused. "I really need you." My voice cracked.

"Hang in there, Sweet-pea, I'm on my way." She hung up and I ran as fast as I could to meet her.

Angel With A Shotgun - A Skye X Chase Story (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now