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It's okay, she can't see you.

"Well well well." Sweetie smirked. "Look what we have here."

"What do you want?" Skye growled, her hand never leaving mine.

"Not what, more of a who." The white haired girl drummed her fingers on her locker. "I want him."

Skye laughed. "And I don't? He's gone, and trust me, if he was still here, you'd get nowhere near him."

"You think I'm stupid? He's not gone. You're just hiding him from me because I'm a threat to you. You're jealous of the bond we had."

She's fucking delusional.

"Bond? Bond?! You raped him! There's no bond between the two of you! He loved you, he really did but you took what you wanted and left him in the dirt. Do you know how much pain he was in? How you made him suffer and cry himself to sleep for a good year after it happened? And who did he call first every time? That's right! Me! The only one of us to truly have a bond with him is me."

Breathe. Slowly. She can't see you, she can't hurt you anymore.

"Rape? Oh honey it's not rape if he wanted it." Skye clenched her fist and teeth at Sweetie's statement.

"He didn't! He never said yes!"

"I'm gonna get you to give him up. One way or another. If it's the last thing I do."

"Good luck with that." My girlfriend retorted, pulling me to the bathrooms while the white haired witch walked away.

My fault. My fault. My fault.

"Chase no, it's not. Come on lovey, please believe me." Skye soothed, holding my face in her hands and kissing my cheek.

I forgot she could hear me still.

"Sorry." I mumbled. "I should be trying to protect you from her, not running for her. I've been 'dead' for two weeks and I don't even know what she's planning to do."

"It's not your fault."

"It still sucks y'know. I can't talk to my friends or teachers or family. No one else can see me. I visited Marshall the other night and honestly - the willpower it took to stop me from tackling that dumbass in a hug is unbelievable."

"I'm sorry hun, we'll get to the bottom of this. I know you hate seeing us upset."

"It wasn't that bad - Everest showed up and I left pretty quickly." Skye laughed at this and shook her head.

"Come on. Let's go." She pushed the door open and walked out into the empty corridor.

In a matter of seconds, there was a crash, scream, thud then silence. I looked to my left and saw Sweetie with a bat in her hand.

Then I looked to the floor and saw my unconscious girlfriend.


Angel With A Shotgun - A Skye X Chase Story (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now