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"So, that's it?" Skye blinked at me. We'd slept for an hour or so and I'd just run through what was happening.

Well, I hadn't slept; I'd been humming softly while tracing circles on Skye's back as she slept.

"That's it." I nodded. "Please Skye, I want to come back."

"You think I'd say no? Of course I want you here again. But... she is dangerous. How do we win this?"

"Sometimes to win, you have to sin. Even if I have to hurt her to protect you, I'll do it."

"Heaven might not take you back Chase," she knelt up and stroked my cheek with her thumb.

"I don't care. You're everything I have."

"Okay, I'm still not too sure this'll work. No one else can know you're here?"

"In an ideal world, no."

"This is gonna be so hard for me."

"I know, Skye." We turned and looked at the door that was open. There stood Skye's mother.

"Mum!" Skye panicked.

"It's alright, it's normal to talk to yourself about things. I do all the time." She walked over to the bed and sat down. I jumped out of the way to avoid being sat on which I thought was more than a little bit rude.

Wait... she can't see me.

You're supposed to be dead you idiot!

I slapped my forehead out of frustration from my pure stupidity. Of course she thought Skye was talking to herself instead of me.

"He's out of pain now, Honey."

Am I fuck?! It's ten times worse seeing my friends and family torn up. I'd rather be in a full body cast with an itch than see them like this!

I could see Skye's mouth twitch up at the corners as she tried to hold in a laugh.

Ah. She heard me...


She by her lip, tears forming in her eyes as she desperately tries to hold the giggle fit in.

Bad Skye! Think of sad things! The first ten minutes of 'Up', uh... dead puppies. Or the fact I'm supposed to be dead!

She started laughing but disguised it as a coughing fit, confusing her mother terribly.

"Are you alright?"

"Yep," Skye croaked. "I think I just need to be alone right now."

"Alright, sweet. I need to go back to work - just call if you need anything." And just like that, she was up and out of the door, closing it behind her.

Almost immediately, my girlfriend started howling with laughter, doubling over and clutching her stomach.

"You, my dear," I said completely deadpan, sitting opposite her. "Are a heartless being."

"I know." She wheezed then sighed, breathing normally again. "You know why?"

"Why?" I raised an eyebrow as my wings fluttered a little.

"Because, you." She booped my nose. "Stole it."

"You dork." I pulled her into a hug, arms and wings holding her close to my chest as she hummed happily.

"So," She finally said. "talk me through what to have to do again."

"I have to somehow protect you from Sweetie. No matter the cost."

"Well, let's bring you back then." She smiled up at me.

Angel With A Shotgun - A Skye X Chase Story (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now