The Vampire Who Stole My Heart Chapter 5

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He just nodded. "Sort of. But I get to use it too."

I sat down and sniffed a white rose. It was lovely. Ty stared at me and walked over with scissors that were right beside him. "You want one?" He asked pointing at the rose. I said yes.

"Did you work on this place alone?" I asked while sniffing the flower more. It smelled like the morning dew with a hint of sweetness and birds chirping on an autumn day.

"Actually, yes. I did but I had a hard time doing it," he replied. Then at that moment I noticed something new about Ty I've never seen before.

"Where'd you get that scar?" I asked pointing to his right side neck. He looked at where I pointed at and covered it. "I don't really like to talk about it," he said.

I nodded understandingly. "I'll tell you some other time though," he said reassuringly.

Ty stood up and opened the door then. "Come on. I bet their looking for us," he said and ushered me toward the door. We walked through the exact same path as before though I stumbled less this time.

We went in through the back door and into the living room. The Solano's family were watching the original version of Dracula. When they all looked at us I said, "You guys are a big fan of Dracula movies?"

"Oh you have no idea," Katrina said half-jokingly. "We're basically like Dracula." Vince elbowed her and Diana sent her daggers.

"What Katrina means is, we like to imagine like we're vampires though we aren't," Marco said in a matter-of-factly tone. I nodded as though I got it but I was as confused as Katrina.

"What are you talking about-" Katrina asked but didn't get to finish because Stephanie pulled her ear. I managed to not giggle but Ian and Ty sure didn't hold back.

Katrina rubbed her ear. "Thanks a lot," she said. We all laughed at this. The family wasn't so bad after all.

I had a pretty good time that day. We had a few laughs but they never ate. They kept saying it was because of their 'diet' but I began to stop believing that. I just made a theory of my own which was that they weren't people who ate. Though I've never met someone like that.

As I went into my bed I felt I was being followed. I didn't notice until I went on the bed. It was Ty.

"May I help you?" I asked while going into my bed. He just stood there in the doorway smirking like a fool. I've been noticing that was his signature smile toward me but I never said anything about it.

"Oh, nothing. Its just that you've warmed up to my family," he replied. I just laughed a tiny laugh like yeah right.

"Uh huh. Feels like I've warmed up to Dracula," I said laughing. I noticed Ty tightened.

"I was just kidding you know," I said hoping to stop the tension. He seemed to relax though not completely. "Oh, good to know," he said. I just nodded slowly but it was fake.

"Well good night," I continue. He just nods and walks out of the room. Usually I can hear the footsteps but this time I heard them stop. I could tell he was still in front of my room.

I crept slowly toward the door hoping I wouldn't make noise. I heard him talking to... Katrina?

"She almost found out," he snapped at Katrina. He sounded mad about something. Wait, were they talking about me?

"Well she didn't," Katrina replied back though happier.

"You need to be more careful," he said. I just heard her whisper something but I couldn't make out what. "If she finds out, you're dead meat," he snapped. The footsteps continued to go away. I froze in my position. What are they hiding?

I went back to the bed traumatized. Their hiding something from me and I'm going to find out what.

I woke up the next morning filled with questions. Ty was leaning against my door like last time and smirking the smirk I've always come to know. Though I've only known him for just a couple of days.

"Good morning sleepy head," he said just like yesterday. I just nodded that meant same to you.

"How'd you sleep last night?" he asked. I just grunted and got out of the bed. I started to walk toward the cabinet for my comb but he got there first. "You want me to comb it?" he asked. I looked at him wondering if he was serious. Turns out, he was. I nodded and he laughed.

I sat down on the chair in front of the mirror and he followed. He brushed softly but the tangles in my hair made that hard. It went brush yank, brush yank. After the tangles were fixed it was more smooth than painful.

I looked at him through the mirror and he was focused on my hair. One hand was underneath the hair he was brushing and the other combed. Ty looked up and saw me staring at him in the mirror. I looked down and blushed. If I glance up I could see him smirking.

"Hurry up! Your going to be late for school!" I heard Marco yell from downstairs. I jumped which made Ty stop combing my hair. "What?" he asked.

"You never told me you went to school," I said staring at him, my expression blank. He just laughed quietly. "You never asked," he replied. I knew that was true so I went quiet.

"Besides," he said smirking in a way that meant I know a secret and its bad. "You're going too."

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