The Vampire Who Stole My Heart Chapter 4

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Hello," the reddish-bluish haired guy said. "I'm Marco, Ty's father." He let out his hand and I shook it. But in the process, I think he sniffed me. He did it real quick so I wouldn't notice.

"I'm Diana and this is Vince," the crimson haired girl said while pointing at the crimson haired boy. She smiled at me and I felt like I had to smile back so I did.

The scarlet boy and girl came toward me next. "I'm Ian and this puny girl is Makayla," the boy said, he sniffed me too.

"It's nice to meet you all," I said. Right then, my stomach decided to growl and not a small one, I'm talking about a huge one. Everyone in the room heard it and I could tell because Ian -he was all the way at the end of the room- started laughing.

I flushed. "Here," Stephanie said and gave me a plate of food. I stared at her in confusion.

"Aren't you going to eat?" I asked. When I said that, Katrina began to laugh. Ty elbowed her and I raised my eyebrows meaning why are you laughing? What is so funny?

Stephanie got the message because she said, "We don't eat breakfast because we'd rather just drink stuff. We're on a diet." Before I knew what I know now, I thought that was normal but just 'drinking' and 'diet' took on a whole new meaning.

For the rest of the day, Makayla showed me around the house. She was pretty nice and wasn't as stuck up as Katrina.

At the backyard there was a garden and it was breathtaking. I couldn't believe my eyes. I looked at Makayla.

"Did your mom do this?" I asked. She just laughed. Not in a yeah right way, it sounded more like a not necessarily but yes.

"I help her most of the time with Katrina," she replied. I began to wonder how it was possible that Katrina would do something so nice without complaining but bit my lip to keep from laughing instead. "Come over here and I'll show you something really cool," Katrina said. I nodded and started to walk but Ty stopped me.

"Come with me for a second. I want you to see something," Ty said. Makayla began to protest but Ty said, "You can show her tomorrow." She nodded and Ty grabbed my wrist while leading me down a passageway.

I was ducking from branches to leaves and under a pallid opening. Behind that there was a caramel door with a beige handle. If I looked closely I could see little carvings of people biting something. It was probably caveman discovering food or something.

"Here," Ty said and slowly began to open the door. I stepped inside and looked around. There was a small patio and a garden around it. It was like a secret getaway or a garden behind doors. I loved it.

"This is where I like to go when I'm upset or need to be alone. No one knows about this place but me," Ty said while sitting down and tracing a flower.

I stared at him. "Then why'd you show me this?" I asked. He just shrugged. "Thought you'd like to have a place away from people you don't know," he replied.

I gaped at him. "And your giving this place to me?" I scoffed.

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