The Vampire Who Stole My Heart Chapter 7

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<P>On the drive home, Ty was silent and so was I. Just as I thought we would be silent for eternity, Ty said, "I'm sorry." I just looked out my window and thought about happy things but they made me cry a little more.</P>

<P>Once we were home -or Ty's home at least- Stephanie greeted me with sad filled eyes. I wondered how she found out.</P>

<P>It turns out everyone in their family knew about my father. Marco even said, "You can stay here with us if you want." I didn't know what to say to this family. They were so kind and caring that I couldn't say no.</P>

<P>We ate dinner that day -at least I ate- in silence. No one said anything about my father or about the secret Ty was hiding. I went to bed practically moaning and sulking. It was depressing.</P>

<P>Ty followed me as usual but didn't talk. When he saw I was in bed, he closed the door and I think whispered, "I'm sorry." It didn't really make a difference if he said it or not. My father wasn't coming back like my mother. I just sat there staring at the sky -or at least the ceiling- completely confused. How did Ty know?</P>

<P>I spent the rest of the night unable to sleep. I cried here and there but it wasn't that bad. At least not as bad as when I heard the news.</P>

<P>At midnight, I heard knocking on my window. I turned to face it and saw a shadowy figure. It looked human but surely a human couldn't climb up there. I got up from the bed and walked toward it.</P>

<P>I was finally close enough to see its teeth. It had fangs. I gasped and jumped back. It was a vampire and I jumped into the bed. I screamed loud and Ty ran in with a bat.</P>

<P>"What?!" he yelled. I pointed to the window shaking. But when I turned, the figure was gone. "Your scared of the window?" he asked. I got mad and said, "No! I saw a vampire." He froze.</P>

<P>"What did it look like?" he asked through his teeth. "It was a girl... I think and had fangs," I replied. He grumbled and whispered something I couldn't make out.</P>

<P>"Go back to bed," he ordered. I obeyed and closed my eyes. Though I didn't completely sleep. I heard the door slam and another open. Followed by yelling in... Katrina's room?</P>

<P>I finally got tired that I didn't hear what they were talking about and slept. Voices in my head were saying, <I>their hiding something and find out what. </P></I>

<P>The next morning -or at least as morning as noon was- I heard stuff being thrown downstairs. That was what woke me up or I could've slept until 3. I got up and changed then went downstairs.</P>

<P>I gasped. The house was a mess. Not like papers all over the floor, I mean messy. The couch was flipped over, the cabinet was knocked over, and the TV was hanging by a thread- LITERALLY! I pushed it back up on its base and I sighed of relief.</P>

<P>I saw Ian and Vince hanging out on the porch, talking about some football game. I walked over to them and said, "What happened in there?" They looked at me.</P>

<P>I stood there for about two minutes when Vince said, "Ty's gone missing." I stared at them like they were fools and walked away. They didn't know where he was but I sure did.</P>

<P>I walked through the door to the secret garden and sure enough, Ty was in there. I sat down next to him and began to trace a flower.</P>

<P>"Why'd you leave?" I asked still not leaving my eyes from the flower. He sighed. One of his hands were on his forehead and the other was over my shoulder. I didn't mind.</P>

<P>"I-I...don't... know," he replied. I saw a tear drop from his eye. "Hey, are you crying?" I asked. He shook his head but then started to nod.</P>

<P>"What happened?" I asked. It took him a while to answer but he finally said, "Katrina ran away." I just stared at him. "Wait. I thought you were the only one missing," I replied. He shook his head.</P>

<P>"I was missing because of Katrina. I thought she left because of. Of..," he trailed off. "Of?"</P>

<P>"Of you," he said looking straight at me. I felt like I crumbled. Like paper. "W-Why would she think that?" I asked.</P>

<P>"You think we're human right?" he asked me. I thought he was playing but he looked dead serious. "Um.. Yeah? Why wouldn't I?" I replied. He shook his head meaning never mind.</P>

<P>I nudged his shoulder softly. "Tell me. Please," I whispered. He just sighed. "I can't." </P></P>

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