One. Late For School?!

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Edited Version. As you can see, I'm unpublishing and republishing this ff. Enjoy~

Third Person PoV

Huh? Where am I..?" She mumbled quietly to herself.

"Is that... noise..? No wait... It's people cheering.." She walked onto the stage, her name being called.

"A concert, eh?" She whispered. "I'm going to sing my heart out then!!"

The crowd started to chant her name:
"Miku!! Miku!!"

"Miku!! Wake up, please!!" Someone shouted in her ears.

"... Huh?" She says, staring at a boy with messy hair with the same eye and hair color as hers. He had his hand on her shoulders, shaking her awake. "Oh. Good morning, Mikuo."

"Hey, it's almost seven-thirty. You're going to be late." Mikuo says as she looks at the clock. It reads 6:58.

"Holy sh-t!!" She runs a hand through her hair. "Go make breakfast... NOW!!" Miku says, rushing out of the covers of her bed and into the bathroom. Mikuo, looking somewhat annoyed, walks out of the room before his sister will go diva on him.

What was that dream about? She thought, staring at the mirror. Oh well. I need to get ready!!

A few minutes later, Miku had freshen up and is dressed in her school girl's uniform, which was a white polo worn under a light-brown vest with the school logo and a gray skirt. She tied her long, light-blue hair into twin tails, and smiled at her reflection. After she finished, she grabbed her cell phone and her bag and ran downstairs.

"Hey, Mikuo. You done yet?" Miku yelled. She checked her phone to see what time it was.

"Almost." He called back.

"Alright." She said. Miku looked around. Just a simple, ordinary apartment in which she and her brother lived in. Am I missing something? She felt the top of her head. Oh yeah, my headphones..

"Damn.. I'll be right back." Miku called. She ran up the stairs, searching for them. She checked the drawers. She checked under her bed, there weren't there. She sighed. If I was a pair of headphones, where would I be...? Hmm... closet? She checked the closet and it was there. Thank goodness!! It was there the whole time, baka. Miku placed them on her head.

Better get going!! She ran downstairs again, hearing a short ding from the toaster. Mikuo took the bread out and spread butter over one side.

"Thank you for the meal." Miku slapped her hands together like she was praying, grabbed the toast, and ran out the door. "I'm off!"

As Miku rushed out the door, Mikuo cleaned up the mess, sat down on a nearby couch, and turned on the TV. "Damn... My little sister's already a Senior?" He quietly mumbled.

Miku stopped by the nearest trash can, wiping her hands and lips and threw the napkin away. She then pulled out her phone and hummed her favorite song blasting through her headphones.

kotoba dake ja tsutaekirenai

bokura ga ima koto ni iru akashi wa

kuzurekaketa sekai no naka de

dore dake no utagoe todokeraeru ka na

Miku turn down her volume, realizing that there's people staring. A huge grin appeared on her face as she sees two familiar blonde twins wearing the same school uniform as hers and matching white and yellow headphones. The Kagamine twins.

"Hey Rin!! Hey Len!! How are you today?" Miku walks up, greeting the twosome.

"We're doing fine, thank you. What about you?" Rin asks.

"Great!! I have to show you guys this song after school okay?"

"Alright." The twins said in unison.

"Hey, let's compare schedules!!" Len suggested as they pulled out a piece of paper with their classes.

"I'm in all your classes, Rin!!" Miku says as she high-five her best friend.

"Sorry, Len. We only have three classes together." She says as she ruffles his hair.

"It's fine." Len's pout turned into a smile. "At least it's better than no classes together."

The three of them walked to their homeroom class together, talking and chatting about which bands were better. Everyone else was there before them, leaving the only empty desks were on the back, next to the windows. They walked slowly, saying hello to others as they claimed their seats in the back. Only one was empty, and that was the one next to Miku's.

A man with long, purple hair in a samurai-like outfit walks into the class, causing everyone to stop their conversations.

"Hello class. Is everyone here?" He looks around, everyone nodding their heads. "Okay good; eveyone's here, I suppose. I am Gakupo Kamui, your homeroom and first period teacher for the whole year. Let's all have a wonderful year, okay?"

"Yeah!!" The whole class cheered.

"This'll be a good year since we're all in the same class." Len whispered.

"You there. Can you please be quiet?" The teacher smiled jokingly.

"I'm sorry, sir."

"Your typical Len." Rin said as the two girls giggled at him.

"Pssh. I'm pretty sure I won't get caught." Len said, making them laugh even harder.

"Yeah right. Wanna bet?" Rin challenged.

"Sure. If I win, you're buying me some ice cream." Len accepted as they both shook hands. Miku rolled her eyes and slumped back in her seat. She turned off her headphone (because their wireless, like those wireless Beats that almost everyone has) and rested her head in her arms.

At least, Miku thought, I'm not late to class today.

Hello everyone!! How was chapter one (revised)? I'll be (re)writing more later.

(Last Edited - 11/03/15)

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