Smile (Death And Life)

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I open my eyes to another day,Pulling my feet out of the covers,I throw off my crumpled sheets

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I open my eyes to another day,
Pulling my feet out of the covers,
I throw off my crumpled sheets.
Hanging my little cold feet from the side,
I struggle to stand on my feet.
My mother holds out her hand
And I wonder, why does she always smile?

My head is heavy as a stone.
And my little hands grip the rails.
As I trudge to the closed windows,
Pressing my face to the pane,
Till my warm breath fogs  the glasses.
The school goer waves at me like everyday.
And ask myself, why does he only smile?

I look at the the nurse who comes in.
She has a tray of bread and my favorite jam.
The doctor comes in with his clipboard,
And scribbles big words on it.
My mum says they're medical terms.
I haven't learnt them yet.
I frown wondering, why do they always smile?

The doctors have secrets they can't share,
All older and bigger people have.
I will have secrets too when I grow up.
And I will tell no one, except maybe Timmy,
I'm sure Timmy won't smile or lick me.
I have seen mum and dad cry. But when I go near, why do they always smile?

When I cry from the pain,
And swallow the bitter pills with juice.
When they put the needle in my veins,
And I grip the sheets to forget the pain.
When they connect my hand to the drip,
And every drop seems to be like fire sparks,
I scream, but the kids outside my window get to smile.

I'm tired of all the false smiles,
Everyone is smiling when they shouldn't.
Something is very wrong with me.
The doctor sometimes calls it,
Why won't anybody tell me what it is?
Why do they stop talking when I go near?
Is it fair that I cry everyday and they smile?

I've always been a good girl.
I never stole mum's cookies.
Yeah, maybe once or twice,
But then poor Tommy was hungry so.
But that doesn't call for punishment.
But I can't even eat my favorite cookies now.
And everyone around is faking smiles.

My mum smiles as she cuddles me,
Does she think I don't notice the sadness?
Her eyes look like the thunder clouds.
I ask her if she's angry with me, but she smiles.
I ask her if I'm leaving them, she smiles again.
But this time, it's a painful one.
I see her not looking into my eyes.

They put blood inside me through needles,
Bags and bags of red sea.
Nobody tells me why.
'Don't I have blood?' I ask them.
'Am I a zombie like all those horror movies?
Dead yet undead, am I them?'
All they do is always smile, not answer.

I ask mum if they're planning my birthday.
I'll be eight this year.
She nods , saying there will be big party,
And smiles again, her face just a thin line.
The smile doesn't seem to reach her eyes.
These days mum loves me more,
She doesn't scold me or take away the toys.

Why is mum so flustered always?
Why does she kiss me more than she did?
Why does she try to smile when she hugs me,
But ends up in tears instead?
Why are the elders' secret gossip time increasing?
Why does someone always stay with me now?
Why do I take more meds, more needles?

Why can't I get out of bed now?
Why can't I play, I feel weak.
And why do they still smile?
When my eyes stay dim these days?
I don't want the false smiles,
Cause smiles which used to bring hope,
Are like a witch's curse on me now.

I hate to see others smile now.
The smile that for me is a luxury.
They say they need to do an operation.
They say it'll be fine.
But I know their smile is false.
Their smile is to lie to me, again.
So I don't smile anymore, nor do I cry.

I just lie on my bed, counting days.
Days till my birthday, if it ever comes.
Do you think that I am so small that I don't understand?
Lucy's grandpa died from cancer I heard.
And I have cancer, so will I die too?
Are you afraid that I'll scold you?
Well I won't, so you can as well tell me the truth.

You said that Paul on the next bed,
Went on a long trip.
You need tickets to travel anywhere.
You think I don't know that?
He went there from where no one comes back.
And I know I'll go one day too.
So can't you stop bluffing me for even a day?

I hate that smile you give me,
I hate that smile you use to hide your tears,
I hate the smile of the world.
Why do I have to stop smiling so soon?
I ask, won't you regret one less smile in this world?
Mum smiles, dad does, the doctor does.
But my smile needs to leave this world, soon.

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