Part 8

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*Christina's POV*

I'd forgotten how hard it was to sleep alone after having Adam sleep next to me. He was like a drug, and going home to my bed alone was like detox. And just like people who go through detox, I went crazy. I would doze off then imagine he was there with me, but when I reached for him I touched nothing but air. I gave up on sleep soon after.

I sat up in my bed and remembered what he'd told me behind the restaurant. He made me crazy saying things like that. He was my complete opposite. Everything with Bobby was easy. We flowed together. We grew up in the same place, raised by the same kind of rules. But Adam, we didn't didn't flow together. I guess that's why we always seemed to crash together. I shook thinking about how it felt to crash into him. It was like swimming in a deep river and being pulled under by a rip tide. Scary, but it always got my adrenaline going. I guess I had been addicted to him, and I guess I still was.

The more I thought about the way we used to be, and the things we used to do, the more impatient I got. It was late, 1am, but that wasn't late for Adam. I debated on if I should call him, but he'd just tell me to do what I wanted. So I just went ahead and did what I wanted. I grabbed my keys and drove to his house.

His house was illuminated by lights inside and outside. I wondered why he had every single light in the house on. I knocked on the front door, but after five minutes I assumed he couldn't hear me, so I just went inside.

"Adam?" I called. My voice echoed through his huge house. I listened for him to answer but never got a reply.

I started to worry. I stood still in the dinning room and listened intently. I could hear a faint noise. It came from outside. I walked out the back door. The warm spring air surrounded me, and the fluorescent lights from the pool made my skin glow. The sound Adam was playing on the piano next to the pool stunned me. I stood quietly waiting for him to finish.

When he stopped I walked over to him. He was writing notes on a music sheet.

"That was really amazing." I said sitting down beside him. I startled him. He broke the led of his pencil. "What song is that?"

He smiled at me. "Just something I've been working on. The song has been recorded, but I'm working on the acoustic version."

I started singing the same song he'd sang to me yesterday night before I went to sleep.

"Is that the song you're working on?" I asked when I finished.

His eyes starred at me wide. He didn't know I'd heard him.

"Did you write that song?" I questioned. "And what's it about? Why'd you write it?" I pushed before he could answer anything.

He gave me the you already know the answer look. I starred down at my hands and smiled. I'd hoped it was about me. I was happy to know I was right.

"It's different hearing you sing it." He replied. "I like it though. You actually picked the perfect time to come by. You're the best at converting songs to acoustic versions maybe you can help."

I laughed, "well you'll have to let me hear the whole song first."

He shook his head.

"That's what I thought!" I laughed.

I stood up and walked to the pool.

"Is it cold?" He asked.

"I dunno. Probably.

"Check! I think I should get a heated pool."

I took off my shoes and dipped my foot in, and before I could even tell him it was freezing his arms were around me dragging me into the pool with him.  I screamed when we fell under.  My body froze.  I felt his hand wrap around my arm and pull me up to the surface.

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