Chapter 3

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She awoke with a start, her hands wrapped around her throat to make sure nothing was there. Her eyes leaped open as she took a gasp, but she stopped breathing once again. She thought the struggle would end. She thought the pain would end. But it didn't. 

Above her, a masked face peered down at her. It stood beside her bed, leaning over directly above her face. She couldn't move. Typically, at this point, she would be screaming out of fear of the dream, but the horror that encased her body left her motionless and speechless. 

It stays there, motionless, as she stares up at him. She doesn't know if it has eyes, all she knows is that it was wearing a mask. The place where eye holes should be was plain black, there were black eyebrows in a constant state of being surprised and black lips. At least this one had a nose, she thought. 

She wondered if she would die. Would this be her end? A masked... something, killing her? Having no chance of a normal life for once? Having nobody who cares about her? Having no loving parents? 

Would it be fast? Painless? Would it be slow? 

Would it stab her and get it over with? Would it torture her?

Would it kidnap her and keep her as a slave?

She retched at the last one, deciding even death was better than that. 

She, at that point, accepted death. What was the point of being alive anyways? And it was practically inevitable at that point. She didn't care anymore. 

"Why are you here?" she whispered. Her face pained, eyes glossed over in tears. She had accepted death, but she didn't want it. 

At her voice, he straightens himself up. Her heart races, thinking this was it. 

This was the last thing she would ever see. The last thing she would ever say. This was it. 

But instead of killing her, he just turned. He turned and walked out. She sat there, confused, and terrified. She gulped nervously. Would he come back later?

She grabbed her journal, scribbling out a note quickly, and setting it back aside. She laid down, staring at the ceiling, scarcely breathing. Her heart thumped in her ears, her stomach screamed with the need to vomit, her body shook with fear, and her eyes clouded with tears. 

She could hear it bumping around in her house, walking from room to room and shuffling through her things. She still couldn't move. Her entire system had shut down and worked only on it's own accord. All she could do was stare, and breathe.

Soon enough, she heard a window slam closed, and she released a breath. Was he gone? She wasn't willing to go check. Her lights had been turned off at some point. She didn't know when, since she had fallen asleep with the lights on. She always does. 

She slowly, fearfully got out of bed and turned on the lights. She approached her mirror, looking at her neck. She knew what happened had been a dream, but it ached. She thought maybe it was her mind playing tricks, but when she looked in the mirror, a red line went across the front of her neck. Had it been real? No, that's impossible. But the mark and pain that riddled her neck left her considering otherwise.

She walked back to her bed, shaking. She took a seat and curled up in the blankets. She wouldn't sleep. She couldn't sleep. Not after that. So all she did was stare at the wall. 

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