Chapter 10

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As Abby wandered the house, she discovered many things. There were at least fifteen rooms upstairs, and her room already had the name 'Abigail' written on it. When she looked through her room, she found spare clothes in her closet. She also found spare shoes. Once she finally decided she had the balls to head downstairs and meet the others, she did so. She headed down the dilapidated stairs wondering what would greet her down there. As she took the last step, she looked from her feet to in front of her. She had heard voices, and now she knew why. She had entered what seemed to be the living room. 

There were four people in the room, all seeming to be boys. On one couch, lounged a blonde boy who was playing video games, and a brown-haired boy who was chatting away with the blonde who slowly nodded along. On another couch, there were two people wearing masks. Abby felt like she recognized one of them. He wore a yellow jacket with a white mask that had details of black eyes, eyebrows, and lips. It looked nearly feminine, but his body shape seemed masculine. Next to him, was a smaller boy who wore an orange hoodie and a black mask with a red frown and eyes on it.

As the brown haired boy noticed her, his chatting ceased. She noticed that he had round goggles pushed up into his hair, pushing back his hair like a headband. She smiled a little at that. He had what looked to be a mouth guard, pushed off his face around his neck, and a scar on one of his cheeks connected to his mouth. She wondered where it came from. She focused on his words as he spoke. "Hey! You're the new-newbie!" he said, grinning. She noticed he stuttered a little bit. She hadn't noticed before, but he also twitched every once in a while. "Come! Sit!" he gestured towards the couch across from the masked boys. She nodded and took a seat. 

"Alright here's the deal," the blonde one spoke up. "Around here, people learn the ins and outs pretty quickly. Toby," he pointed to the stuttering boy, "and I have taken upon ourselves to explain the basics when someone joins." She examined the blonde playing a game. She noticed his eyes were black with red pupils, and what looked to be blood dripping from them. He wore a green outfit that looked almost cartoonish. His eyes were red-rimmed, and she noticed a pipe sitting in his lap. Was he stoned? "That's Masky," he said, waving to the familiar man. "And that's Hoodie," he said, finally pointing at the last boy. She wondered how he was still able to play the game so well while waving his hand.

"U-Usually Sally's down here, but I think she's upstairs playing dolls with EJ. What's your na-name?" Toby asked. 

"Uh, Abigail," she responded. Toby nodded.

"Cool name, I g-guess. I'll call you Abby," he decided. "A-Anyways, BEN, explain the u-usual."

"Alright so briefly, I'll tell you about the others," he started. His words were drawn out and slow, obviously from smoking. "Hoodie over there, he's fine. He doesn't talk much. Or at all, really. Masky is... well complicated. Sometimes he's batshit crazy, sometimes he's funny as hell, and sometimes he's just there. I'm always either playing video games out here or in my room. I'm probably stoned pretty much all the time. Once you're dead, why not be, right? Toby's pretty cool. He's almost always talking, and a lot of the times its stupid shit, but I like listening.

"As for the others you probably haven't met, the ones around here the most are Jane, Jeff, Sally, and EJ. Jane and Jeff have a weird rivalry but don't really worry about it. They figure shit out most of the time. Jane's pretty chill, sometimes she goes batshit though. Jeff is pretty much always fuckin psycho, but most of us are used to it. Sally is like 9 or somethin', don't really know. She likes to play dolls and she'll like you 'cause you're a girl. EJ is quiet most of the time, but he's cool. Lock your doors at night though, more than once there's been a kidney theft by him. Finally, Slenderman is cool. But he's gone most of the time," he explained. He talked slow, but Abby listened anyways. 

"I-If you like animals, we got some pe-pets!" Toby spoke up. "Jeff's dog is named Smile, and there's also G-Grinny cat. They're cute. Smile is around mor-more often than Grinny though."

Abby nodded along, interested in all the things they were explaining. "Oh by the way, if you ever wanna chill, I'm always open to smoking with someone," BEN piped up. 

Abby heard footsteps coming down the creaky stairs, and looked over. Down came Jeff, who looked like he'd just showered. His sweatshirt was now clean, and his hair looked better. His eyes were outlined with deep circles, and he looked tired. She noticed this now, even though she knew he'd had them earlier. He walked over and sat down at the other end of the couch Abby was sitting on. "'Sup Jeff," BEN said. Jeff nodded his head, holding out his hand. BEN passed over the pipe and the lighter. 

Soon, Jeff's eyes looked like BEN's, and he was chatting away with the others. She found it surprising how someone who had seemed mean and harsh earlier was now chattier than she had ever imagined he could be. She found it odd that they smoked weed, but why wouldn't they? They're already dead, so they might as well have some fun. She wondered if she had died. She didn't remember dying. Of course, she didn't remember anything. 

"Want some," Jeff asked, his head lulling over to look at her. His eyes were half lidded and she let out a little laugh. He looked funny. She nodded and he handed over the pipe and the lighter. She didn't remember smoking weed at any point, so she just did what she saw the rest of them do.

She held it up to her mouth with one hand, covering the hole on the other side. She held the lighter up to it and lit it. She inhaled and immediately pulled it away, having a coughing fit. BEN and Jeff started laughing as she wheezed. "What the fuck," she said, her words coming out between gasps. "How do you do that?"

"Bro, it's not that hard," BEN said. After Abby managed to calm down, she took another hit and did better that time. She passed it back to Jeff, and she could feel the effects hitting her.

Soon enough, she felt like she was sinking into the couch with a feeling of bliss filling her body. She could hear Jeff, Toby, and BEN talking but the sound was distant and hazy. Her eyes felt glazed over as she stared off into space. "Abigail," she heard Jeff say as he snapped in her face. Abby shook her head, looking over at him questioningly. "You good?" he asked.

"Uh-huh," she responded slowly, nodding up and down. 

After that, the four of them talked and learned more about eachother. Abby decided she liked it there, a lot. But soon she felt exhausted, and heading up to her room, falling asleep quickly.

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