Me and some students are petitioning against our teacher

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Soooooooooooooooo yeah

Our teacher is horrible. She gave us three tests this week, two without even telling us. She also gave us a quiz. And let us not forget, the tests were district mandated and we were not given full time.

Everyone had been afraid to fight back, but i am just so fed up

Sooooooooo we were gonna openly petition against her and get signatures from teachers and other students (even bus drivers because the 7th period students were always late) but then I realized we might get detention so we scrapped that idea (or put it in the last resort pile). We have a suggestion box. I had an idea that we could all put typed notes in with no names. Some could be distractions and others things that we actually need. So ya. If that doesn't work we will have lots of parent emails and if all else fails, we openly petition.

Tell me what you think   of our petition

We try to make things better for future middle schoolers if not ourselves.

Bye bye

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