08/14/19 | 휴닝카이

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From waiting at the school's office to here sitting on my seat. I'm currently writing this while the same teacher, that fetched me from the office, is standing in front of the class while she lectures. It's boring and I'm usually not the type if student to get bored easily. I strive to make it interesting for my own benefit, but this lesson ㅡ is just too... boring.

Beomgyu-hyung who is sitting beside me has his head up but I can see through his eyes that he didn't look interested either. I could feel that some girls had focused eyeing me instead of the teacher. I didn't look - but I could feel it.

I don't really mind.

The girls from Class 2A (my class), is no different from my past classmates in Yungguk. Eyeing me like a snack ;).
All but this one girl ㅡ only ONE hasn't even atleast given me ONE single glance from the moment I entered. None. Unbelievable, right?!

I haven't seen her fully because she has always faced the window with earphones in her ears. She's seated alone on the table next to mine and Beomgyu-hyung's. Is she always allowed to do that while there's a lesson going on?

Kim Shihye, that's what Beomgyu-hyung told me her name was. He said that she's the school's Top 1 student. Hmm, that's probably why she didn't need to listen to any of these teachers' bullcrap lessons.

When is lunch breeeeeaaaakkk? ㅠㅠ


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