02/16/22 | 휴닝카이

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I met up with Shihye today. For the first time in almost two years.

She looked prettier than she ever was. She wore the prettiest smile I have ever seen in my life the moment we locked eyes when she entered the café. I hugged her the tightest I could and almost cried when I felt her warm embrace once again. I felt at home again. I felt safe. I felt true joy.

We fell to a comfortable small talk while we ate and I couldn't help but look at her almost all the time.

She passed the exam to enter this university where she plans to continue as a psychologist since there's a line of modules that opens up for psychology. Guess what, it's the same exact university I passed my exam last month!

After the café visit, we went to an amusement park then to the mall. She talked about moving to this condominium complex that her mother now owns that she visited a few days ago. She's planning to move there since it's very close to the university.

When we were outside her brother's apartment (where she was currently staying in),

I..... let all my feelings and emotions for her that I felt through this roller coaster ever since we met. It was a bit embrassing and I was looking down the ground the whole time.

She said nothing.. but gently pulled me slightly before placing a peck on the corner of my lips. She looked me in the eyes with her emotional gleaming ones.

When she went inside, I almost hollered in joy and happiness that I almost couldn't hide. Someone who was walking his dog was looking at me weirdly before pulling his dog with him to walk away.



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