12/26/19 | 휴닝카이

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Shihye came over today, she had a serious face but she said that she needed my help.

She clearly doesn't believe that me and her are siblings and neither do I so she decided to make a chart of difference and similarities of things between me and my so-called father and mother. Taehyun came over to help with this situation eventhough it was a ridiculous thing to believe.

I asked her how she would see the differences if I don't even know how my 'mother' looked like. But she was ready for that question and pulled out photos of her aunt/my mother and her dad/ my dad when they were at our age. Then the three of us started filling out similarities and differences.

We found a lot of differences on the major things such us both my 'parents' had a v jaw and i have quite the square one. They both had brown natural hair while I have black. Their bloodtypes are both Os so it was impossible to have a child with the Type A (my bloodtype).

I was relieved wih a lot of the differences when making the chart and so far so good. But there's the DNA test. If it comes our that we are siblings, then this was all for nothing.

And I will probably be hating myself.


( 🦋 )  𝗯𝘂𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗳𝗹𝘆 ❜ ʰᵘᵉⁿⁱⁿᵍᵏᵃⁱ ᵏᵃᵐᵃˡWhere stories live. Discover now