08/14/19 | 씨혜

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Today is probably the day I could never forget. For two reasons. One, I finally astral projected at daytime. This attempt has been successful.
Two, I saw something I shouldn't have.

After giving my physical body (that was laying on the rooftop) a last glance, I passed through the café from across the school gate then to a neighbourhood around 4 kilometres away from mine. It was that neighbourhood with villas and rich families. I've always wanted to come here because my mom has said that my aunt lives here. But I never get to visit because I have to learn how to ride that hell of a bike first.

I hovered over the 22nd house. I could muster up the post codes in my mind. It was somewhere between 12 or 22.
But before I could even enter, someone has walked through my invisible body and went to kick the door open. It was a tall bulky looking man and he came out from a Ford SUV. I could roughly remember the plate card.

Curious, I followed him as he entered the house. I watch as he approached a fourteen year old looking girl who was laying on the sofa, sleeping.

With no hesitation, he grab and smashed her phone, that was lying on the glass table, to her head. Sending it flying to her forehead. It hit her and she was immediately wounded and awake. She stood up, hand on the spot where it started bleeding as she tried to get away from the unknown man.
A scream escaped from her mouth as the man lunged at her. She fell onto the floor and I could hear a loud crack of a bone when she landed with the man on her back. A bloodcurling scream echoed through the whole living room and I could see two figures hurriedly running to her direction. But before either of them could do anything, the unknown man brought the knife to her throat and sliced it open.

The woman - probably the mother - screamed as she saw how blood quickly gushed out of the girl's throat, pooling beneath her lifeless body. The man who was with her, went to hurl a punch on the other man's face, sending the armed man flying to the wall.

"Quick! Call the police!" Was his last words before a gunshot echoed through the room and he fell down on the marble floor, next to his daughter as blood rushed out of his head.

The woman was frozen. Fear was in her eyes as she was clutching her phone with her shaking hand. "Please! I'll do anything you want!" She pleaded for her life.

The man stood up, chuckling as he caressed the gun he had just used to shoot the father. He approached the crying woman slowly at gunpoint. I couldn't remember what he said but the woman nodded and dialled a number, not the police and not the ambulance.

Her son.

"Can you come h-home? Like.. for lunch?" She did her best not to cry right then and there. Then the call ended. The man then grabbed her by her hair and drag her to the sofa before tearing her clothes from each other.
The next thing that happened was all a blur because the next things that I saw was something that could hunt me for days.

A flash of images flew in my mind but I was sure of what I saw.

I saw her son coming home, standing in pure shock at the horrifying scene right before his eyes. His sister killed, his father shot and his mother raped and stabbed brutally to the point that her intestines were gauged out of her stomach. The man jumped on him from the rear and strangled him to death before dismembering him and left the house on fire.

That time I couldn't just sit and sleep.

ㅡ SHIHYE, 23:39

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