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special chapter

layout:  notes □    story

" Goodmorning! It's your birthday! Goodmorning! It's your birthday! Goodmorning! It's your birthday! Goodmㅡ "

Kai sloppily slid the off icon of his specially self-made alarm. He sighs, sleepily looking around his messy room, his eyes falling on the digital clock with calendar on the desk across his bed beside his curved monitor.

August 14, 2025
10:25 AM

A smile creeps up to his face when he saw the date. It's his birthday. Then his eyes lands on the time.

"Fuckㅡ" he curses, bolting to stand up and taking the blanket off him. "She didn't even wake me-"

He hurries to wash his face, puts his clothes and shoes on and grabbing his bag and keys before scurrying to the door ㅡ but stops to grab the sandwich his girlfriend made him and ice placed tentatively on the kitchen counter right outside his room.

"I swear to God, she's doing this on purpose," he mutters, half smiling while locking the door of their shared condominium. "I'm late!"

"Mr. Jung," was what greeted him as soon as he swings the door open to english class. Kai mentally curses and hurries to think of a very complex and good tactical excuse as to why he is almost three hours late for class.

"Uhmm.." he stammers, eyes looking around his class. They fall on Beomgyu who is looking at him as if he expected him to be late.

"Anything broken? Neck? Back? Arms? Legs?" His usually-strict-professor Mr. Kyeo asks with concern in his eyes. This made Kai confused.


"Your girlfriend came to the office this morning and said that you'll be late, because you have an appointment with the doctor. You were having back aches for two weeks straight?" Mr. Kyeo says.

"Uhmm-" Kai stammers shortly before deciding to play along with it. "Yeah, bad bad back aches, but nothing broken. Just a small sprain maybe." He says, twitching his ankle for he has tripped over the stairs on his way running to class.

"Oh good then," Mr. Kyeo clears his throat, changing his nurturing demeanor to his serious one again. "take your seat Mr. Kai."

Kai nods and sliding through his classmates who are giving him flirtatious looks ever since he came in.

He sits on the long table alone since his usual seatmate, an exchange student, has flewn back to his homeland, Germany.

"You weren't at the doctor's were you?" Taehyun, who is sitting with Beomgyu on the table before him, whispers.

"Uh- nope, I overslept and she didn't even bother to wake me up." Kai rants, ruffling his hair in slight annoyance. Taehyun only grins silently.

"Maybe she did, you just didn't hear her." Beomgyu comments, not even bothering to look at Kai as he teases him.

Kai then falls to a realisation, "Oh shut up, Gyu."

"Hey by the way," Taehyun whispers again. "a new girl is coming to this class and she'll be sitㅡ"

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