Chapter 5

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Jungkook and I were standing at the end of the street waiting on his friends. I wasn't really the type to have any friends. All of these years, I just stuck with my brother and ignored most people. Except the only friend I had currently was Taehyung.

Taehyung was a mutual friend of mine and my brothers. He had blonde hair and was quite tall. The thing was, he hasn't been to school in two days so I was a bit concerned. Perhaps he had been sick. Although Taehyung was a nice guy, he could be a little rude. Maybe it was the influence of my brother.

"Minji!" I heard a voice.

It was Jungkook. He had been waving his hand in my face for what seemed quite a while to him. Was I zoned out? I pondered of what he wanted. With a concerned look, I gave him my full attention. Jungkook then put his hand down and shifted his right foot to his left. Before he could say anything, I sighed.

"Do you know why Taehyung isn't answering his phone?" he asked, "I've been talking to you about it for five minutes."

"Why would I know?" I frowned.

"You guys are basically married," he chuckled.

I punched him in the arm out of frustration. He knew how much it had annoyed me. Jungkook made a small pain sound and grabbed his arm as if he had just been shot. I rolled my eyes at him because I knew I wasn't that strong when punching.

Just then, the light changed from green to red. The both of us were waiting on his friends, but they must've not shown up or went already. So we decided to go. It was a quiet and still morning, so it was peaceful.

The sounds of growling in the distant stopped me in my tracks. Were they coming from behind or below? My head turned behind me just to see Taehyung running towards me. I was curious as of why he started to pick up the pace. As he got barely a foot away from me, he tackled me.

I didn't understand why at first until I saw a car run the stop light. That's when I realised that I was about yo be ran over and the driver wouldn't even have cared. In fact, that was probably their goal. I watched as the driver suddenly ran into the wall of an overpass not too far ahead.

"Are you okay?" Taehyung helped me up.

"Yeah," I said cautiously, "But are they?"

He looked towards the car that had just crashed, "Sure."

He had a worried look in his eye as he looked over there. Suddenly Jungkook and him exchanged glances and the three of us started to walk, but not at a normal pace. I wasn't very sure of what was going on or what had just happened, but I was very curious. What exactly is up with today anyway?


We weren't too far from the school, perhaps a few blocks away. There was something that seemed a bit off. My life could have ended if Taehyung was a second too late. What really had me wound up was, where was Jungkook? Was he not paying attention? Or did he see Taehyung and decided that he would be in time?

Was there a plan between them that I hadn't known of? Or was this just a coincidence? Whatever is was, I was shocked and worried. Deep down I felt upset because of something this dramatic. Was it my time to go again? There wasn't anything really to get my mind set off of this.

Soon after walking for a while, we made it to the school. Just 10 minutes until we had to get to our first class. I went straight to my locker and grabbed a few things. I sighed and stared at the back of my locker for a few moments before shutting it.

As I shut it, Jim was standing there beside me with a small smile. He handed me a piece of paper. I looked down at it and saw that it was the script we needed to practice after school since we had to do this tomorrow. I nodded and looked up at him. He then walked the opposite way.

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