Part 2

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I woke up in jugheads arms as i was tucked in his neck . " Mm Jug what happened . " 

" Hey Beautiful you were having a bad dream i think so i moved you into my lap and hugged you and you seemed to be fine . " 

" Oh thanks" 

" Do you get nightmares a lot . " 

" I do every night the doctor said its just from my trauma as a kid but seems everyday gets worse and i never get any sleep because i wake up sweating and crying it sucks but whatever . " 

" Aww " 

" When you held me it seemed to stop i had the best sleep i have had in awhile . " 

" Really why did it stop when i held you . " 

" I don't know " 

" Go to Toni's and get ready okay i will be back in 5 to pick you up . " 

" Okay " 

" Are you okay from the nightmare " he asked sweetly . 

" Yeah " 

" Okay go get ready . " 

" Are you worrying about me " 

" A little yeah " 

" I'm fine " 

" Okay " i left to toni's i went to the room and put a black leather skirt and a cherry cropped top and a black plain pair of vans and my serpent jacket . Toni came in . 

Hey how was your date with Jughead . " 

" Amazing we ate then talked all night then fell asleep . " 

" Eww jughead being nice . " 

" he is amazing . " 

" He treats women great don't worry . " 

" He is taking me to school if you don't mind . " 

" No problem " 

" My boyfriend is here bye . " i went to jug as he gave me a kiss i got an then he drove to the school . he held my hand as we walked . no one seemed to talk to me other than the serpents . Then V pulled me off to the side . 

" B  I said date him not join a gang . " 

" They supported me yesterday they don't make fun of me so i joined and went with jug on a date and i fell asleep at his house but i moved in with toni . because my mom kicked me out . " 

" Who bought you clothes " 

" Jug " 

" I'm sorry but i can't be friends with a serpent 

" Okay i could care less " 

" Wow " Jug then came over and put his arm around my waist 

" Hey Beautiful . " 

" Hey jug " 

" Ready for class" 

' Yeah " i went with him to class as he was sitting across the classroom . i was still shy and reserved but i looked different . i took notes and everything  as it was great no body judged or called me names i hid myself in my book as i was done . Jug came over . " Hey can you explain this i am so confused . " 

" Yeah sit " 

' So i can do the first part but i got lost . " 

" So after you multiply a and c then you make a diamond . " 

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