Part 10

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* 2 months later *

I was waiting for jug to come home from work as it was taking a lot longer than it should i called him and he didnt answer so i left a voicemail ' Juggie baby i'm really worried i want to know your okay so call me back love you . 'I waited and 10 minuetes later i got a call ." Hello "

" Are you Elizabeth Cooper . "

" Yes i am " His family was in the living room as we were all worried .

" Jughead jones has you as his emergancy contact do you know him . "

" Yes he is my boyfriend what happened . "

" He was in a car crash and currently in surgery getting his leg amputated . " i sat down .

" Oh Okay can we come see him . "

" He should be out in 2 hours but he needs family so come see him . " I started to cry

" Okay " i replied shaky " Thank you " i hung up and cried .

" Betty what happened with jughead . "

" Jugggg-ggie hhh-aa-sss gg-g-got-t-ten-n ii-i-ii-n "

' Betty calm down okay "

" Juggie has gotten in a car crash and he is in surgery i was his emergency contact but they have to amputate his leg . "

" Oh poor jug . "

" We have to get to the hospital . "

" Okay lets go ' we all sat in the truck as i held jellybean in my lap as she was crying .

" Shh Shh JB it is okay jug is going to be okay "

" Jughead is going to die . "

" No he isn't believe me okay i wouldn't lie to you and you trust me right . "

" Yeah "

" So just trust me okay jug is okay i wouldn't lie . "

" But he is hurt ."

" Yes he is hurt but won't die ."

" Okay . "

" Try to sleep okay . "

" Mmk . " i held her tightly and rubbed her back once she fell asleep i held on to tears so hard i knew jellybean needed me to be strong for her but this is juggie and i loved him with all my heart .

" Are you okay "

" No this is juggie . "

" Its okay he will be okay . "

" I know " once we got there Fp carried jellybean and we walked and they said he was almost done in surgery so i waited in the waiting room . I was reading my texts that i had with jug

" Anyone here for Forsheye Jones ." we got up and went over to him . " He is asleep but surgery went well so you can see him . "

" Thank you . " he showed us to his room and i sat next to him and held his hand as his face wasn't to badly scratched . I kissed jug's cheek and held jelly bean in my lap she was awake and his mom and dad were on the other side . Jelly bean was holding his hand but it was really late so she passed out. Then jugs eyes fluttered open. He looked over at his parents. They held his hand as he gave a small smile. Then he looked over at me and smiled bigger. I held his hand as he kiss it softly.

" Betts " he said a little raspy.

" Hey juggie how are you feeling "

" I'm fine "

" You know what happened "

" Yeah they took my leg "

" I'm sorry "

" They said if I kept the leg i would die and I still have a whole life left so I let them take it "

" How did this happen "

" Um someone hit me on my motorcycle "

" Okay "

" Thanks mom and dad for coming to see me all crippled "

" Yeah , were going to take jelly Bean home and give you to alone time. "

" Okay love you"

" Love you jug ," they took jb and left. I broke down crying.

" Betts I'm fine truly. "

" I was so scared juggie "

" I'm sorry your my emergency contact I told them to call you ."

" They did ."

" You can lay with me I won't bite "

" I know that " I crawled in on the good side . " How are you really feeling "

" Tired and sore but no pain so it's okay "

" How are you coping with out your leg. " .

" It feels wierd but if I get to be with you I would give up anything ."

" I'm sorry you don't deserve this "

" Just snuggle baby " he held me and I gave him a really long kiss . " I love you and I am so happy to have you. "

" I am happy to have you okay and safe and happy to be in your arms ."

" I love you and it is late so get some sleep "

" Okay "

" I love you "

" I love you "

" I love you more "

"Not possible "

" Completely possible "

" Not even true I love you more than anything "

" No I love you more than the whole world. "

" Okay fine " I laid my head on his shoulder and kissed his cheek. " If it makes you happy "

" It does "

" Okay " I then slowly drifted off.

Hard times - A Bughead StoryWhere stories live. Discover now