Part 17

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* 1 month later*

I woke up early and it was a special day so i snuck out of bed and made jug's favorite then surprised him with breakfast in bed . He opened his eyes and gave a big smile . " Betts i don't need anything special ."

" it's your birthday Juggie your 18 now . "

" Thanks Betts this is very sweet . "

" Happy Birthday handsome " I gave him a kiss as he sat up and ate . " So were skipping school of course because it is your birthday but what do you want to do . "

" Just spend it with you and juliet the two people i love the most . "

" Your so gushy " I smiled at him . " I'm going to go get are girl up and dressed . "

" Okay " I went and i changed Juliet in a little onsie . She hasn't grow much witch the doctor is a little concerned because she is only 5 pounds . but i got her in a little birthday onsie

It was adorable so i took her to the room and jug always smiles when he see's her

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It was adorable so i took her to the room and jug always smiles when he see's her . " Daddy she has a surprise for you . " he took her and kissed her cheek .

" Aww that is adorable thank you . "

" Hey she is my present to you 9 months of growing and a hour of birthing she is a great gift. "

" I think she is the best present ever . "

" I got you other presents of course . "

" presents aren't what matter to me this little bug and you that is what matters to me . "

" Your so sweet . "

" This little bug is the best present any man could have "

" Your such a little romantic . "

" I am thankful for the breakfast in bed and her and just being alive . "

" Your Welcome "

" She needs to plump up "

" She does "

" She is adorable no matter what . "

" She is "

" I love you "

" I love you more "

" i love you more ."

" I love you more . " Then Juliet started to cry . " Oh we love you to . "

" Julies daddy and mommy love you . " she smiled . " Yeah you like attention . "

" She really is a cutie isn't she . " Jug moved his empty tray to the floor then laid her in front of him ." Hello little bug . " i kissed her head and she smiled .then jug blew on her belly and she giggled so cutely . then he did it again and she gave her cute giggle and hit his head softly . " She is the most pure baby in the world her giggle is amazing . "

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