Part 20

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I woke up and I was in worse pain then yesterday . I looked at my phone and there was a text from jug.

Hey baby I hung up because I went to shower and I didn't want it to wake you up but have a good night sleep and i love you a ton so just text me in the morning on how your feeling please.

Hey juggie I feel worse but thanks for getting me to sleep last night. I love you to and havexa safe day with Juliet.

Instantly he texted me back

Baby please see the doctor I really wish I could take you but I can't just have Veronica come over take you i really want you to be feeling okay

Jug I'll be fine

Betts please I hate feeling like I left you sick and alone I just want you to feel better. I'll text Veronica you just lay in bed she will take you .

Okay thank you juggie I love you

Love you

I laid my head on his pillow. It was maybe a half an hour later and I heard the door open downstairs. Then a knock on my bedroom door. " Come in " then Veronica came in.

" Are you feeling ok "

" No "

" Jughead told me to come over and take you to the doctor "

" Mhm "

" Are you ready "

" Yeah "

" Archie is downstairs and he is here to help. "

"Mmk " I sat up and it got worse my head pounded. I threw up into the trash can then made my way downstairs slowly " my phone can you grab it ."

" Yeah "

" Hey arch "

" Hey Betty how are feeling "

" Really bad "

" Where is jughead "

" In Toledo buying a house we found "

" Bad timing "

" Yeah " we went to the car and went to the doctor I decide to call jug " juggie "

" Hey beautiful how are you feeling "

" Really crappy "

" I'm very sorry u don't deserve any of this "

" It's fine will you come back home please and do that next week i miss you and I need you. "

' look behind you " I looked behind and jug walked in with Juliet passed out in her car seat . I got up and he hugged me. " I know you never complain about pain so I knew it was bad so I came home . "

" Thank you ."

" Thank you Veronica and and Archie for taking her "

" Yeah we will head out since you got him but get better B and text me what is wrong. "

" Okay by thank you " they left and I snuggled into jugs side as he held me in the waiting room . Juliet was adorable and I missed them both. " I feel better "

" We're still going to she whats wrong "

" I know but thanks for coming back for me ."

" We got the house "

" Yeah "

" I love you "

" Love you to"

" Elizabeth Cooper "I got up and we went back . Jug set the car seat on the chair and sat in the other holding my hand. " So you have stomach pain anf throwing up and fatigue and headache ."

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