Part 32

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This gets sad fair warning

We were on are way to pick up the twins from the hospital and I was driving jug was in the passenger seat holding my hand when a car came out of no where and rammed into my side I started to fade quickly jug was going crazy he was crying to shake me awake " betts don't leave me I love you we're going to get married live a happily ever after and have are 3 beautiful kids you can't quite on me now "

" I love you juggie raise them well and just know I am always going to be with you and watch over you I can't survive this so help Juliet I love you jug I always will "

" noo " he screamed you could hear Juliet screaming and and went black everything was gone I had no feeling. I know I would see jug again just a matter of when he dies and meets me up here but for now Ill watch over him every day and I am always with him


I couldn't get betts out and I couldn't help her I felt her pulse fade and I screamed and cried but I knew I couldn't do it that long because Juliet was in the back and she needed me. I got out and stumbled balling my eyes out and I grabbed Juliet from her car seat and sat in the side of the road holding her crying I was numb to most feelings I just cried I held Juliet and she was calming down I went back into the front seat and Check betty pulse on her hand and it was gone so I kissed her hand and said with in my tears " I love you with every ounce my heart I will always be yours till I die betts even though we weren't married your still my wife and I will always Remember you and I will never date anyone else just stay happy up there my beautiful bride " I gently turned her face to me and kissed her lips for the last time " your always my angel " I slide her ring off and put it on my hand. Then the ambulance and cops showed up and they got her out they said she had a chance but I knew she was gone and I rode with her to the hospital holding her lifeless hand and prayed for a miracle. They checked Juliet and she was fine. They had her heart back and she was in a hospital bed and they just said she had to wake up so try and talk her back. " hey betts it's me I don't know if your still there and I welould love to have you back but I understand if your in pain and I don't want you to be in pain just hold on or you can go I got are girls and Alex and you can live peacefully up in the sky watching over us if you come back I swear I am  ever letting you go again I love you so much more that you will ever know " then she slowly started to stop beating her heat I knew she couldn't hold on longer so I got into her bed I put her in my arms and I held her " I got you betts you can go peacefully I'm right here if you are waking up and I am right here if you can't hang on just try for please one more time " her heart rate started to raise but she couldn't wake up she tried and I understand this is hard on her body I can deal with the fact she tried she kept her heart rate up she fought and fought. Then her eyes opened and she started to choke on her breathing tube the doctor ran in and I got out of her bed I smiled so big to know I still had her. The doctor did a full work up of tons of test and she came back in the room she looked at me smiling. " her work up was good she is a miracle she didn't come out with any organ damage I sat next to her and hugged her tightly

" calm down you die for like one day and your fiancé gets all sappy "

" thank you betts I can't live without you "

" jug I fought so hard to get out of the dark hole because you were ready to let me go "

" I didn't want you to be laying on a bed in pain in a place you don't want to be in "

" I thought I was going to die like truly did I had no fight left in me I was weak "

" I need to get the kids and I'll be back but Cheryl and Archie and v are here in the waiting room if your up to it "

" juggie why did you hold me "

" because I wanted you to know I was there and I have you if you need to let go or get help back "

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