Part 6

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i woke up to banging on the door i didn't no how many days have gone but i was so weak i couldn't lift my head . " Juggie " i mumbled not being able speak . then the door opened and someone ran over to me . 

" Betts " 

" Jug  " i stuttered 

" I am here betts i am right here . " He got the rope of and i fell into his arms . he held me tightly i then felt him put a blanket on me as i was propped up so my head was on his shoulder . " Ambulance is on there way it is okay betts . " i could hear him crying and it hurt my heart to hear . 

" Jughead we need to get her to a hospital . " I heared as it was his dad .  

" I know " he then picked me up but i lost consciousness  * Time Skip * I woke up in a bed as i heard jug sobbing . 

" Juggie " 

" betts hey " he gathered himself and stopped crying and held my hand . " How are you feeling " 

" Sore and weak but happy to see you , Please lay with me and hold me . " 

" Yes of course " he laid next to me and held me as i snuggled in his chest .  

" How long was i gone " 

" 4 days " 

" Thank you for looking for me and not stopping . " 

" I was so scared i knew you wouldn't just up and leave me  because we just had a amazing night so i was so confused i looked and i sent the serpents out until i found you i am sorry i'm emotional . " he was lightly crying .

" It's okay to be emotional juggie " 

" are you okay did they do anything to you . " 

" I don't think so other than punching and cutting me other than that i think i am okay . " He started too cry again . 

" I am so sorry baby i am so so sorry " 

" Oh babe it isn't your fault . " 

" It is i could've found you faster i accidentally fell asleep and if i just had stayed awake i could have found you quicker  " 

" It's okay jug you went through a lot thank you for finding me , i would call your name and cry for you it just makes me realize how much i love you " 

" I love you to " he kissed my head . " Would you like something to eat i can go get pop's " 

" No i just want to cuddle . " 

" I would love to " 

" i only went for a walk because i felt nausues and i needed air . " 

" Well i am never leaving your side . " 

" Please don't " 

" Umm the doctor said that you weren't raped and you arm needs to stay wrapped up and your leg until the stitches dissolve but you can go home tomorrow ." 

" Yeaaa and jug you saw me naked  " 

" Yeah i did and you are very beautiful but i focused more on if you were okay " 

" Who else saw me naked . " 

" My dad and toni . " 

" Mmk " 

" Lets sleep" 

" Night " 

" Night " i went to bed and i woke from people talking and jug wasn't with me . 

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