Part 13

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* 1 week later *

I woke up to banging on the door so opened the went downstairs and opened the door . Fp and gladys came in . " JELLYBEAN GET DOWN HERE " they yelled . jug and jellybean came down but JB was hiding behind jug . " YOUR COMING BACK HOME "

" stop yelling please" I said because yelling scares me still He came up to me . And pushed me on the ground .

" You got her pregnant . "

" Get out " Jug said as i sat up and jellybean sat in my lap .

" What are you going to do . "

" Betts do you give me permission to yell . "

" Yep i'm taking jelly belly to her room . "

" Go betts " i took her up to her room and sat on the bed and held her .

" Betty your pregnant . "

" Yes but it isn't your problem. "

" Okay . "

" You are a great kid don't worry . "

" Thanks " i held her and heard jug yelling witch i hate but i had to deal with .

" Want to play a board game . "

" Sure " i went and grabbed one and then we set it up on the bed and played until she got tired crawled into my lap and fell asleep . I laid back and covered her in the blanket . I waited a couple minutes and put her under the covers and i went downstairs as they were talking .

" Juggie are you okay "

" I Feel angry that my parents are being dicks . "

" Juggie "

" Sorry if Jellybean doesn't want to be home with you she can stay here but your violent and shouldn't be handling a kid . "

" Don't tell us what to do boy . "

" I am , you know why because she was crying saying you kicked her out and she is 9 she doesn't deserve this crap i was 11 and had to live on my own for 5 years but i am her brother and i wont let it happen to her . "

" Fine "

" Go leave are house . "

" Bye " they left .

" Betts are you okay . "

" Sore "

" Can i do something to help ."

" It's okay "

" I hate him for what he does to women . "

" Me to " i said laying my head on his shoulder " I don't know why i got pushed . "

" Are you okay . "

" Yeah i am it just hurt a bit . "

" I am so sorry . "

" It's not your fault . "

" I love you "

" i love you to juggie "

" I get my prostetic today and i get to attempt to walk . "

" Yeah i'm excited your stitches are all healed and you are getting better . "

" Me to "

" Jellybelly is asleep "

" Okay well we need to get going . "

" Okay " We went and got JB and we went to the physical therapy . Jug sat down as the guy explained how to use it and how it works . Then they put it on and there was to bars to help him walk as he slowly took one step at a time . He got to the end and smiled . " You did it baby . "

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