2: "One Chance"

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Mark could only heave an almost breathless sigh as he watched the child, (yes, the one who called him 'dad' earlier) moving around the living room.

"Hey, sit down first, kid." He called out while motioning his hands to make him do as he say.

But the little boy, Jio as what the child told him (and he said he's four years old), just pouted and continued to move around. He could only sigh again. To be honest, he's never patient with kids.

"Hey, I said sit down." Mark said more firmly which made the kid stop and look at him.

"But I am hungry, dad."

Again with that word, dad. Is this child really his? Or is this some kind of scam just because of his sudden popularity?

He shut his eyes for a brief second before walking towards the kitchen. The kid says he's hungry. He's not that cruel to let someone starve.

He called on the kid who is still roaming around the living room. Is this how he's like when he's hungry? Mark thought.

When he came, Mark opened the refrigerator. "Get anything that you want." and the kid happily complied.

He sat by the counter as the little boy put the foods that he picked, one by one on top of the counter. He found it cute when the smaller struggled to sit on the high stool. He helped him up as he realized that his house is not exactly the child-friendly type.

"Your house is so big." the boy said while munching on his food. "And you have lots of yummy food. Are you rich?"

And Mark almost laughed. "Well... you can say that."

The kid just continued eating. "If appa sees this, he will really be happy for you."

Appa? He wants to ask about it but the boy suddenly beamed and moved his hands excitedly.

"I'll tell appa that we can live here. Together." His eyes were shining. "You'll like that, right dad?"

Mark doesn't want to let his hopes down but something just doesn't add up.

He sighed. "Listen, kid-"

"I'm Jio."

Another sigh. "Okay. Listen, Jio." He looked at the kid intently. "You must've mistaken me for someone else. I'm sorry but, I'm afraid I am not your dad."

The boy just frowned at him. "Yes, you are." then got something from his small backpack. "And uncle told me to give you this."

He is handing him a paper folded neatly. Mark hesitated but ended up taking what seems to be a letter.


it read.

And he isn't sure but something about the handwriting made his heart race a million times faster.

He opened the letter and read its message.

It's been a while since our last meeting. Our last talk. I don't know how to start but maybe a "sorry" will do it. I'm sorry if we ended things like that. I didn't mean to hurt you, but to be fair I was hurt too. I've failed to tell you something. And it concerns your son, our son - Jio. I sent him there to finally give you a chance to meet him and to be with him even for a short time. I'm sorry if I can't introduce him personally but he's a good son. I hope you'll get to know that. Again, I'm sorry Mark.

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