Special Chapter: "Keeping You"

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"Your mom strictly said that you most certainly cannot fail another test in Math. Or else she'll go and turn all your snoop dog shirts into dish rugs."

Jinyoung reminded his bestfriend while they were walking along the halls of the campus and towards the field. It's lunch time. And they are two hours away from their Math class a.k.a. Jaebum's funeral.

The two of them walked across the wide field. Jinyoung saw some of their classmates and said hi.

"I know. You don't have to remind me. You really enjoy seeing me all tensed up and anxious." The older whined.

"It's not that. I'm just really concerned!" He said in all honesty but his laugh oughts to tell Jaebum otherwise.

"I really can't fck up this time!"


Jaebum just continued to grunt so Jinyoung put his arm around his bestfriend's shoulder. "Don't worry. As always, I'll be here to help you. After you treat me to lunch, we'll spend an hour reviewing. You got this, Jaebum!"

"Tss. You don't do anything for free."

The older kept on complaining about how hard Math is while Jinyoung is gazing over the field. His attention was drawn to a certain blonde haired guy, running around, kicking a soccer ball. He seems to be in his own world, not minding anyone around him. He looks so free and happy by just playing.

Jinyoung is so absorbed in watching the blonde guy that he forgot he was with Jaebum. Until the other spoke.

"Yah Park Jinyoung!" The younger turned to face him. "Are you even listening?"

He blinked twice. "Oh. Yeah of course." He lied. "Uhm, let's go. I'm starving."

With one last glance, he dragged Jaebum to the cafeteria.

Jinyoung never thought that, that one time of watching the blonde playing soccer will be followed by a couple more times. He spent most of his free time gawking over the blonde.

Jinyoung likes to think that Jaebum doesn't know about this little crush of his but, whenever he comes home late (after watching mr. Blonde guy), Jaebum is smiling at him knowingly. And when one time, Jaebum went home ahead of him and told him "You can stay an extra hour. Mom and dad are gonna stay at my grandpa's.", that's when Jinyoung became sure that Jaebum knows about mr. Blonde guy.


Jinyoung heard the blonde shouted while running around the field. He's playing with two other guys, and they all don't look like Korean.

Since Jinyoung is a bit nearer to him, to them, he noticed their facial features. Their eyes are not of a korean. Their complexions too. And they heard them talking in fluent English. Yeah, they're totally not korean.

Jinyoung was watching the blonde about to kick the ball, but then he missed. It was all so sudden. Next thing he knew, the ball hit him in the head.

Then came the rushing blonde.

"Oh my god, are you okay?" the blonde's voice is full of concern.

"Is he okay? I'm really sorry!" The skinny guy said in english before struggling to repeat it in korean.

"Are you okay?" The blonde is now asking in korean.

"Yeah. I'm okay. I think." Jinyoung said while checking his head. It didn't hurt much. He was just surprised, that's all.

"Do you want me to take you to the clinic?"

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