5: "Ending The Long Wait"

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"We're screwed."

Mark, who is still confused from his conversation with Jinyoung is now even more confused seeing the horror in Jaebum's eyes.

"Screwed?" he asked. "What do you mean, screwed?" Jaebum isn't answering and started to do something on his phone. He watched as the younger attempted to call someone, maybe Jinyoung, and paced back and forth.

"Jaebum-ah, you need to talk. Why are we screwed?" he asked again. "And why is Jinyoung suddenly flying back to Korea? I thought you said he's busy with work?"

Jaebum finally stopped moving and faced him.

"You might not see Jio again."

He almost froze at what Jaebum said. "W-what-"

"If Jinyoung does get back here in Korea, then it might mean that your time with your son is finally up." Jaebum sighed. "And the worst thing that could happen is, he may take Jio away and never let you be with him again."

Mark just stood there, digesting everything that Jaebum has said. He doesn't know what to say.

"I'm sorry Mark, but I messed up." he turned at Jaebum who is looking at him apologetically. "I just wanted Jio to have what he wished for his birthday and that is to meet you. And as your friend also, I want to ease a bit of your misery after losing Jinyoung."

Jaebum continued.

"I might've failed on telling you the truth about Jinyoung and your son but, I decided to make it up to you by allowing you to spend a little time with Jio." Jaebum kept his head down. "Although Jinyoung disagreed with that idea, I still pushed through it when I got the chance."

Mark pursed his dry lips as he tried to talk. "What will we do now?"

Jaebum scratched the back of his head as he sighed.

"I'm gonna need to take Jio to our house first. When Jinyoung gets back, he might be more outraged if Jio will still be staying here."

Mark thought for a second before arriving at a decision.

"Let me have one last day with my son."

Jaebum shook his head slightly. "I'm afraid that's a bad idea. For all we know, Jinyoung is already booking a flight now back to Korea."

Mark knows that. But he's just desperate.

"Just one last day with him, Jaebum. I promise to bring Jio back before Jinyoung arrives."


Mark is struggling but he tries to balance himself while also holding Jio's small hand. He forgot that him and skating does not get along well.

They're in Yeoui Ice Park. Jaebum agreed with his request. Last night, he slept while enveloping his son inside his arms. The morning after, he asked Jio what he wants to do and where he wants to go. "I want to go skating!"

That's why he ended up here, almost looking like a complete fool, trying his best to survive in the ice rink.

He is faking confidence claiming that he's good at ice skating.

A few wobbly rounds and Jio let go of Mark's hand. "It's okay, dad. I know you're not good in skating."

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