10: "What Happens Next"

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a/n: posted without editing.

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"I really want to see the tiger!"

"Please, hyung. You can't even distinguish what a tiger is!"

And Bambam earned a smack in the head from Jackson.

The seven friends along with Jio decided to go to the zoo. And Mark suggested on going to the best zoo in town - The LA zoo.

Jinyoung is making his son wear his snow cap as the kid plays with his precious pikachu.

Mark, on the other hand, along with Jaebum, is busy on stacking the back of his car with the foods that Youngjae, Jinyoung and Bambam prepared.

Even if Bambam is one of the youngest, he has quite a knack when it comes to cooking. Jinyoung has to give that one to him.

"Appa, is it true that there's a giant otter in the zoo that we're going to? Because I always really want to see one!"

Jinyoung doesn't really know what to answer since it's also his first time to go there. He turned to look at Mark to ask some kind of help and the older grinned before answering their son.

"There actually is, sport! You'll definitely see a giant otter in the zoo."

Jio beamed after hearing his dad's answer and Jinyoung can only give a thankful smile to Mark.

They haven't talked about that yet. What happened two nights ago. Quite some time has passed already but maybe it's a silent agreement between the two of them, leaving the incident not discussed.

It's not that he doesn't want to talk about it. How his cheeks flustered red after the kiss they shared. How embarassed he felt because only then did he realize how much his longing for the other can be felt through his kiss. In the end, Mark just held his hand as they walked back home. No words were spoken. But deep in Jinyoung's heart, his happiness cannot be explained.

"Oh, Jio! How could you not notice?" Jackson is now on his knees, face to face with his son. "You've been with a giant otter for quite some time now." the blonde is pointing his pouted lips towards the clueless Youngjae.

"Ouch!" Jackson complained when a flying shoe hit him in the head.

"Oh, sorry. It slipped." Jaebum shrugged.

Jeez. Always the protective boyfriend, Jinyoung thought.

The ride to the zoo took about two hours. The eight of them split into two cars. The couple and the maknaes are in one car, with Jaebum as the driver. While there's Jinyoung, Mark, Jackson and Jio in the other.

Jio is jumping up and down, with his favorite uncle. He's already decided that Jackson is his favorite uncle and the guy can't be any happier about it. Although Jinyoung really wants to talk Jio out of it, Jaebum told him to let it go because that'll be too childish of him. He could just sigh.

After Mark has paid for their entrance fees, Jackson made a run towards the entrance, dragging Jio along with him. Jinyoung tried to run after the two kids but he felt Mark's hand on his wrist, gently squeezing it.

"Come on, Jinyoung. Let the kids have fun."

Jinyoung closed his eyes briefly and counted one to ten. One to three wouldn't help. "Okay." He said, fighting the urge to roll his eyes. "Okay, then."

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