3: "Misunderstanding"

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Mark has been trying to wake his son up who seems to still be in deep slumber.

This kid is really something. He managed to stay up until past 11 pm last night and now it's almost 8am and he's still asleep?

If only he listened to him and didn't finish the whole of cadburry. He won't only get cavities, but he got all hyped up. That caused him more problem, to be honest. Because even when he wanted to go to sleep, Jio won't stop jumping up and down, and rolling over the bed.

His head felt like pounding that time. It's definitely worse than hangover.

"Jio... wake up now." Mark tried again.

He needs to be in the team's headquarters today. He needs to talk to his coach and manager.

"Son." Even calling the child 'son' warms up his heart. Jio seemed to finally wake up. And how he loves seeing him squint his little eyes and his small hands soon rubbing them. "Are you awake now?"

Jio opened his right eye before the other. "Good morning, dad." His son looks even more like an angel during mornings.

"Good morning, son." He kissed Jio's forehead. "Come. Let's eat breakfast."

"But what are we gonna eat, dad?" Jio said as he slumped his head on the kitchen counter.

"Well looks like you're gonna have to settle with fried eggs, kid."

Mark said before finally unleashing the inner chef in him.

But really, who is he kidding? His supposed to be sunny side up eggs ended up as scrambled. But Jio didn't complain. He just happily ate his dad's specialty.


"Okay. Where are we going now?" Mark asked his son as soon as they were both seated in his car.

He just had a talk with his team's coach and manager. He told them about Jio, since there's no point in hiding it. And besides, he's not ashamed of his son.

He intended to request a vacation but good news is, he doesn't have to. The next league is six months away and the team won't be training yet in the next three months.

He actually got a whole lot more than the vacation he was planning to ask for. He has a lot of time to rest. Maybe he'll really go home to LA. And bring Jio with him? Well... that's if Jinyoung allowed him to.

"I wanna go eat, dad." and Jio's stomach growl supported his request.

It's already lunch time and Mark knows better rather than bringing his son home to eat.

He cannot exactly cook and Mrs. Hong will not be back until this weekend. His type of food is not Jio's type. Since he's an athlete, he forgot what he likes and focused on what he needs to eat to stay fit and healthy. All those salads and veggies. A kid wouldn't enjoy that.

And besides, Jio happens to love meat. No wonder. Both Jinyoung and Mark are suckers for meat. So they both decided to eat at Burger King.

Mark was busy wiping off the ketchup from his son's face when a lady approached their table. She claimed to be Mark's fan and even asked for his autograph.

"Can we take a picture together?" the lady asked. And Mark just can't say no.

He just smiled at every photo but when they were on the fifth one, Mark heard Jio complain.

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