9: "Absurd"

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"Is there snow?"

Jio is very much excited as Jinyoung is putting his snow cap on his head. His son loves snow. In Japan, Jinyoung finds it hard to keep Jio inside the house whenever there's snow.

"Well I'm afraid there isn't, hon." He saw his son pouting in an instant. "But! It would be just as cold okay? And maybe we can go and skate there. I will teach you again how to skate better."

And that ought to make Jio smile.

Jinyoung focused on checking his and Jio's bag to see if he forgot something. He even checked if he had packed Jio's pikachus.

"Jinyoung-ah!!!" He could hear Jaebum's voice from downstairs and he could only roll his eyes upon remembering how the older managed to hypnotize Jio, his own son, on making him agree on this trip.

It almost seemed like Jaebum is even more excited than the little kid.

"Aren't you ready yet! They're already at the airport!" Jaebum's pertaining to the rest of the gang.

Despite of what Mark has clearly said on all three of them flying to L.A., well now, all seven of them (plus Jio) are all going.

"The plane ain't leaving yet for the next two hours!" Jinyoung shouted back while zipping his duffle bag and making Jio wear his small backpack. "Come on, let's go. Uncle Jaebum is too impatient."

Hand in hand, they walked downstairs and towards the living room.

"It's about time."

"Oh don't even start with me, Im Jaebum."

"Yah! Can you both chill?" Youngjae said clinging on his boyfriend whom Jinyoung want to smack in the head again, so bad.

The two who were throwing death stares at each other were interrupted when a car honked.

"Oh great, hyung is here." Youngjae was the first one to leave the house.

"Dad!!!" then, Jio.

Jinyoung and Jaebum also headed outside following the other two.

"Hi, Jinyoung." Mark greeted with Jio in his arms.

"Great. Hi too, Mark." Jaebum bitterly said but Jinyoung just ignored him and greeted Mark back.

The ride to the airport is thirty minutes only. And once they arrived, Jackson is hollering at them, along with Yugyeom and Bambam.

"Are you guys excited?" Jackson quirked. "Jio, are you excited?"

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" and now they're both jumping up and down.

"Hyung, there's going to be snow there right?"

Jinyoung could only glare at the youngest. "It's been years since it last snowed there, Yugyeom. Don't get your hopes up."

"Oh, it's okay Gyeomie. We could just go shopping in LA." Bambam said, comforting the sulky Yugyeom.

This trip is surely gonna be epic.


When they landed in LA, Mark's brother was there to fetch them. They all greeted Joey.

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