8: "Starting Where It Ended"

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Jaebum's voice echoed in the kitchen after Jinyoung just threw a book on his head.

"What was that for?!" Jaebum hissed while scratching the part which was probably injured after his bestfriend's assault.

Jinyoung just sat on a chair across Jaebum and crossed his arms. "Oh, so you decided to play the victim again?"

"What? I really am!" Jaebum complained. "And that hurt, if you're not aware."

"And I'm pissed. If you're still unaware." Jinyoung said emphasizing on every word. "Why'd you give him my number?"

"Give what who?" Youngjae asked while rubbing the side of his boyfriend's head.

"Mark." Jinyoung answered while glaring at Jaebum. "That boyfriend of yours gave my number to Mark without my permission."

Jaebum ignored him and continued complaining to Youngjae about his injury.

Jinyoung could only roll his eyes. "Oh, Youngjae. You don't need to worry since your boyfriend's head is only as damaged as it already is."

Jaebum almost stood up while jutting his chin forward when Youngjae pulled him down. "Hey, sit down." And as expected, he can't win over Youngjae so Jaebum just shut his mouth up.

"So, you guys will talk?" Jaebum asked while drinking his favorite strawberry milk.

Jinyoung sipped on his coffee. "Yeah. Since I'm free, I guess, I can agree to his invitation. We'll meet maybe later in the afternoon."

Even without looking, he knows what kind of look his bestfriend is giving him right now.

"You know, I watched this kind of sh*t already. Two ex lovers, meeting again. It starts with reconciliation and then, reconnection and we all know very well, what happens next."

Jinyoung, despite his burning cheeks maintained his composure. "And you know very well that I still have a lot of books, Jaebum-ah."


Youngjae is scolding Jaebum. Jinyoung excused himself after the breakfast because he has some emails to attend to.

"He's your bestfriend, right? You, above anyone else should understand him."

Youngjae said in all seriousness but Jaebum just shrugged. "Yes I am. And yes I do, babe."

"Then why do you keep on doing the things which he exactly asked you not to do?"

Jaebum smirked. "Oh babe, you really are oblivious when it comes to love. No wonder you gave me a hard time confessing back in college."

Youngjae pouted as he silently agreed to that. To the making it hard to confess part.

"My bestfriend just needs a little push. And that's all I'm giving him." The older continued. "I've been with him the entire time when things crumbled down before him. I don't ever want to see him in that state again."

Youngjae stared at his boyfriend.

Hearing him saying these words makes him fall all over again. Jaebum may be perceived by others as a cold person, but those who really know him, knows that he has a big heart.

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