7: "Dead Meat"

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He already drank a glass of milk a while ago, but if he does wake up, you can give him one again. Only one. He's not allowed to watch tv, but he can listen to his mp3 player. Never feed him chocolates. Don't use food to make him behave. And if he ever has a hard time going back to sleep, don't hesitate to call me. I gave you my number didn't I?"

Jinyoung is anxious.

He's reminding everything that the babysitter needs to know about his son. Did I forget anything? he asks himself.

"Jinyoung hyung, you can be rest assured that Ji Won here will do a great job in babysitting Jio. He's done that countless times for my nephew."

Youngjae's words somehow calmed him.

It's his first time to leave Jio in the hands of a stranger. And as much as he hated leaving his son, well he just can't say no to his friends, especially Jackson who is bugging Jaebum nonstop on dragging him along.

He understands them. The whole gang (aside from Jaebum) haven't seen him for five years. Jinyoung should really make it up to them.

"Hey! We need to leave now. Mark is on the driveway." Jaebum called them out while walking towards the door.

He said goodbye to Ji Won, tapping him on his back and followed after the couple.

"Hey guys!" Mark was standing on the side of his car and greeted the two who is walking ahead of Jinyoung.

"Hi, Mark hyung!" Youngjae happily replied.

"Hi, Jinyoung." Mark said as the younger approached them.

"Hey." Jinyoung just smiled.

"Let's go!" Jaebum said. "I don't want to hear any more of Jackson's complaints on us being late."

Mark agreed and went into the driver's seat. Jinyoung was about to sit with Youngjae in the backseat when Jaebum protested.

"I'm sitting with my Youngjae. Go sit in front."


"No buts. I don't want to be separated from my sunshine." Jaebum said as he went inside the car, leaving him with no other choice.

As soon as he's seated, he stayed quiet. He doesn't have anything to say anyway.

Jinyoung tried to make himself comfortable despite of the awkwardness surrounding the two of them.

This is going to be one long night.


"HYUNG!!!" And now both Yugyeom and Bambam are squeezing him in a tight hug. They missed him alright.

"Where have you been all along?"

"Why didn't you contact us?"

"We were worried sick!"

"We missed you so much!"

Jinyoung could only smile as the two maknaes expressed their feelings to him.

"Yah. Park Jinyoung!" Jackson called him. "How dare you disappear on us for five fcking years??? Did you forget that we still existed?"

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