4: "Too Cliché"

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Jinyoung could feel his blood boiling despite of the air condition blowing directly on his face.

He just arrived at Korea. He completely left everything just to get back here and kick Jaebum's a*s. He wasn't even able to finish his training in Fukuoka.

He'll apologize to his boss some other time. He just need to deal with this mess first.

His mind went back to that afternoon, five years ago.

"You could always go with me." Mark exhaled. "I'll just need to arrange some papers and-"

But Jinyoung didn't let him finish. He squeezed his hand while shaking his head slowly.

He cannot say anything that would make things better so he just smiled at Mark, a smile which ought to tell him how much Jinyoung loves him.

Mark looked at their intertwined fingers before looking at him with tears in his eyes. "What happened to us?"

What answer can stop him from hurting?

"We grew apart." and that did it for Mark's tears.

But Jinyoung could only wipe those, caress his face for the last time, before walking away.

As soon as he gets on a taxi, his tears started streaming down. "Airport, please."

'This is all for the best', Jinyoung tried to remind himself.

He stared outside the car's window. "We'll be fine." He mumbled as his hand rests on top of his stomach, feeling the warmth coming from it.

The sole reminder of the love he's shared with Mark.

That day he flew to Japan. When he learned of his pregnancy, he started to plan everything out. And that includes everything after leaving Mark.

He applied in a publishing house as an assistant editor. He worked hard to support his self but made sure he's also being careful for his child.

He's nearing his due date when he called Jaebum. As much as he wanted to face everything alone, he hoped having his bestfriend by his side will be more comforting.

"What the hell, Park Jinyoung!" Jaebum shouted as soon as he entered his apartment. He flew to Japan as he asked for. What a good bestfriend.

"You completely disappeared on us, on me, your best friend, for eight months! I was worried crazy on your where abouts. And now, you'll surprise me with this? You're pregnant??? With Mark's child???"

Thank goodness Jaebum didn't faint that time. For the whole month, he stayed by his side. Even if he had to lie to Youngjae about a business trip, he still stayed, helping him out until he gave birth to Jio.

"Mark needs to know about this. He deserves to know about his son."

Countless times, Jaebum convinced him to go back to Korea and face Mark. But he just can't. At first, his reason is very much clear to him. But as time went by, he realized he was just afraid of Mark's reaction. How will he accept Jio? And if he does, how will he forgive Jinyoung?

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