Special Chapter: "Staying is a choice"

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Mark was taken aback by how angry Jinyoung sounded when he yelled at him. He stood there, beside Jinyoung who was seated across the dining table.

He stood still like a tree. He wasn't even able to put the plastic bag on the table. He just bought him peaches, but seeing Jinyoung's red cheeks, oh his husband ain't happy alright.

"But, babe I only bought what you wanted me to buy."

It was 2 in the morning when Jinyoung woke Mark up, and demand for his husband to buy him peaches. In this wee hour, he wanted peaches. But of course being a good husband, he complied.

He drove to the market (thank God it was open) and bought Jinyoung some peaches. And now, he's angry?

"Is this your way to say that my face looks as puffy as these peaches???"

Mark waved his hands to let his husband know that, no of course not. Never will he dare to make fun of him. He loves him and he doesn't want to die yet.

"No, no babe. You specifically told me that you like to eat peaches that's why I bought you some."

Jinyoung frowned even more as he glared at him. "Well now I want apples. And I want green ones!"

Mark heaved a very long sigh.

It's another thirty minute drive to the market. It's just minutes after three. In the market, Mark decided to buy all kinds of apples. Better sure than sorry.

He still remembered how the cashier looked at him as she punched in all of the apples he bought. There's green and red ones. He even saw McIntosh and Golden Delicious. Wow. They all look alike but he never thought they have different names.

But when he went home, he just saw a sleeping Jinyoung on their bed. Now he can't wake him up, can he?

He sat beside his sleeping husband who has been really cranky these past few months, but he still loves anyway. Mark brushed his raven hair, covering his closed eyes.

Yes, he is tired. He just had a two hour drive to and from the market, all for his husband's craving.

Goodness gracious. The things he'll do for Jinyoung.



Mark peeked his head by the door to look at his son who is in the living room. "Yes, sport?"

Jio is struggling to wear his shoes. He's going to school. He's now on his first grade in elementary and it's the first day of school. Of course his son is excited.

"Oh, never mind dad. I got it."

Mark smiled as he realized that his son is now a big boy. He just turned seven a week ago. Jio might've grown taller, but for him, he's still his baby.

He just continued on preparing their breakfast. It's always been his task every morning since he doesn't want Jinyoung to be tired in doing these things.

After setting up the table, he called on his son and they are together. Jinyoung is still in their room, fast asleep. He'll just bring him breakfast in bed later before driving Jio to school.

Jinyoung is now five months in his pregnancy. His baby bump is slightly bigger and very much noticeable, making it hard for him to choose his day to day clothes.

He has stopped working. And by working, Mark meant going to office. Cause right now, he still works but he's home based. It's what their ob/gyn has prescribed them. Jinyoung should be staying at home and getting proper rest. After all, male pregnancy is much more delicate than female pregnancy.

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