6: "If there's a will, there's a way"

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How about a plot twist?"

Oh how Jinyoung wanted to wipe that smirk on his bestfriend's face! But he could only send deadly glares to Jaebum.

Plot twist? A freaking plot twist, he says? Wait 'til he gets his chance to twist his bones.

Gosh. If this is a form of revenge because of his stubbornness, then Jaebum is doing a great job pissing him off. He really enjoys handling things the way he wants it. And that way which Jaebum wants, is always against him. Always.

Jio went up to him excitedly and held his hand. His son is also holding Mark's on the other side.


Jinyoung decided to greet back.

Just then he felt Jio joining their hands together. He almost jumped away. Thank God he didn't.

He tried to ignore the fuzzy feeling he is getting and just smiled at Jio who is also smiling contentedly. "Now we are all together."

It is safe to say that Jinyoung managed to survive the whole of that awkward breakfast that they had a while ago.

He just doesn't know how to reciprocate those awkward glances Mark is throwing his direction every once in a while.

If not for Jio's endless talks and Youngjae's remarks, his survival would've been impossible.

As soon as Youngjae closed the door after they all waved goodbye to Jio, Jinyoung is once again throwing daggers at Jaebum.

"Is it your life mission to piss me off?" Jinyoung asked him.

Jaebum chose to feign innocence. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Why did you ask Mark to fetch Jio?"

"We already agreed on this last night."

Jinyoung felt his head pounding again. "But I thought it was clear to you that I wasn't ready to face him just yet?"

Before they could once again get into a heated argument, Youngjae decided to butt in.

"Jinyoung hyung, you did well on acting casual around Mark hyung. So there's nothing to be angry about anymore." The youngest shrugged before continuing. "And besides, it's a good thing Jaebum hyung did that. At least, you now got it all behind your back."

Jinyoung just sighed and decided to let it go. After all, Youngjae has a point. At least, he can already cross out meeting Mark from his black list.


Jinyoung went out to do his first assignment. Yes. He is still working all the way from Korea.

Last night he talked to his boss over skype and explained his situation. As a senior editor in the company, his boss just couldn't let him leave work like that.

So instead, his boss told him that he can still accomplish his tasks even from Korea. His boss told him to always have his email checked. So he did.

And this morning, he received an email from his boss asking him to research about a certain publication. About a novel which is recently released out in the market.

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