Chapter 4

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Author's Note: Here is another chapter. I am feeling that the story is going slow I don't know why maybe it's because I'm at the beginning. If you see any mistakes, please feel to let me know :)

If you have any writing tips, please feel free to comment.

Again, I gratefully accept constructive criticism as a means to help me develop my skills as a writer.

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Chapter 4

Delta Team was standing in the communications room at Fort West situated near West Point Academy in New York. Due to the recent assault, the majority of Fort West was lying in ruins. The mess hall along with the lodgings was rubble and half of the hangar was gone. The administration was the only block left standing as a whole building. All of the operations and intel are processed in this section. 

The comms room was adjoined with the debriefing room separated by a thick glass thus making both rooms soundproof. They sat in near darkness with only the multiple TV screens and computers to give them light. There were other soldiers with headphones chatting away urgently or typing furiously on the keyboards.

Sandman and Frost were checking the KIAs, both civilians, and military while Truck and Grinch were checking out the reports on the current situation.

"It's not looking good," said Sandman, concerned.

"Neither is here boss," said Truck.

"There are a lot of dead civilians over here," said Frost, observing the endless names on the screen.

Frost entered a particular name into the database: Derek Groban. The name came up on the screen.

"Ah shit," he said, barely audible.

"What's wrong?" asked Truck.

"Daniels' fiancé... he's dead."

"Damn," said Grinch in a gloomy tone.

"You're gonna tell her?" asked Sandman looking at other names on the screen in front of him.

Frost did not reply but kept glancing at the name on the computer. He had always secretly wished that an opportunity would come to go out with Daniels years back when they went on a joint op between Delta and the Marines. 

When she got into a steady relationship with Groban, he dropped it and even stopped communicating with her. Now he has the chance, but not like this. He never wanted it to end like this.

'A person died you idiot and you're thinking about going out with his woman?!' he thought furiously.

"Hey buddy, you ok?" asked Grinch, resting his hand on Frost's shoulder.


A tall, well-built man entered the room. The soldiers stood in attention and the man nodded at them. He was wearing a green uniform and heavily decorated with medals and ribbons. The four stars on his shoulders showed that he was a General in the US Army. 

Even though his light brown hair was streaked with grey under the Green Beret, and his face wrinkled, he did not give the impression that he was soft. His green eyes observed the four soldiers standing in front of him. His mustache, under the long nose, was the same color as his hair and lightly tickled his thin lips.

"General Malloy," said Sandman, saluting.

The General saluted them back.

"At ease gentlemen," said General Malloy in his gruff voice. "The Russians destroyed half of New York and the death toll continues to rise. Alas, we wouldn't have managed to bring it back if it weren't for you and your team Sandman."

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