Chapter 22

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Author's Note: If you have any writing tips, please feel free to comment.

Again, I gratefully accept constructive criticism as a means to help me develop my skills as a writer.

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Chapter 22

Charles Malloy was rubbing his eyes while he waited for the machine to finish his coffee. He barely slept in the past days. He managed the office from the hospital the best way he could. He forgot when was the last time he saw his wife. His chest felt heavy with stress. All his life was based around his work, dragging his family around the world because of him.

He grabbed the cup and turned around to walk back to his daughter's room. He thought he was more tired than he thought because he was seeing a familiar face on the other side of the corridor.


The man turned around and his brow furrowed.


General Malloy hurried next to Price's side, anxious.

"What the hell are you doing here? You're supposed to be in the Czech Republic!" he whispered.

Price didn't reply. He scratched his neck and looked at his old friend.

"Makarov knew that we were coming," he finally said. "That bastard ambushed us."

"Who's WIA?"


"I'm sure Captain MacTavish will be fine," he said, encouraging Price.

"I wish I was more optimistic like you Chuck," Price sighed. "I assume you are here because of Lisa. How is she?"

"She's already told me that she wants to 'get out there'."

Price chuckled. "Typical Lisa."

"I don't know though. Doctors don't look too convinced. She lost a lot of blood. I don't know how many gunshots and wounds her body can take."

"I wouldn't worry about her. She escaped death a few times before."

"That's the problem."

They walked in silence down the corridor passing Lisa's room. Price glanced inside the window and noticed that she was resting. They passed the nurse's station and continued down the corridor. At the far end, there was MacTavish, sleeping peacefully in his room. A pipe was coming was in his mouth attached to the ventilator. His face and arms were bruised and had several cuts.

Price and General Malloy stood there looking at Captain MacTavish talking about their situation.

"What I'm confused about," started Price, "is how did the CIA know about the mission."

"They always know Price. It's their job."

"That's right General. It is our job to know."

They turned around and saw a middle-aged woman smiling back at them.

"Agent Tiger," smiled General Malloy shaking her hand. "Always a pleasure."

"Same General."

"Leila," Price nodded curtly.

"How in the hell did Alpha squad find us in Prague?" asked Price quite hostile.

"You were always direct, John," she smiled. "We were observing you."

"Was there a reason you were observing a disavowed Task Force, Tiger?" said General Malloy sipping his coffee.

"We did it because of your daughter, General," replied Tiger glancing through the window at Captain MacTavish.

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