Chapter 36

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Author's Note: If you have any writing tips, please feel free to comment.

Again, I gratefully accept constructive criticism as a means to help me develop my skills as a writer.

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Chapter 36

The ice, cold water hit her hard jolting her awake. She started breathing fast and yanking her hands and legs but they were tied so tight that she felt her skin tear against the rough ropes. Instead, she decided to turn her attention to the environment around her. They were in another hangar. Unlike the others, this one looked abandoned and dingy. It was barely lit – there was enough to light the area a few meters around her. About five meters to her left there was a desk and a young soldier sitting in the dark. Leaning against the table was another soldier, over fifty years of age. His face was pockmarked and his mouth was stuck in a disgusted expression. The one who threw her the refreshing bucket of water went to the other side of the hangar.

The pockmarked soldier approached her with a smug look on his face.

"Good morning beautiful," he sneered.

She ignored him and stared him down the best she could. But he didn't look like he was threatened at all. He came so close to her face that she could smell the cigarettes on his breath.

"Tell me your name love."

Lisa kept silent. She did not show any expressions and kept calm.

He grabbed her face and squeezed it.

"It looks like you have trouble hearing me lass. I asked what your name is!"

He let her go forcefully and went back to the desk and grabbed a file.

"Lisa MacTavish nee Malloy. Uncle Sam should not have sent more soldiers here!"

He kept pacing around her, chuckling. He halted in front of her and gazed into her eyes.

"What a lovely family you have MacTavish," he leered.

She gritted her teeth and emitted a low growl. He laughed with satisfaction and narrowed his eyes.

"Looks like I've hit a nerve. Tell me why you are here."

"I won't tell you shit," she spat.

He struck her. The slap echoed in the hangar and Lisa remained in utter shock by his actions. The other soldiers didn't even bat an eye; thus she realized that this was part of the protocol. They weren't bothered in bending the rules. Or maybe, they were asked to do so, on purpose.

She spat blood on the floor and tried to keep her composure.

"You won't talk? Fine by me," he leered.

They forced her into what looked like a dog kennel and started banging on its roof with a stick. Lying on all fours, she tried to block the unrelenting hits by thinking of her son. She was doing this for him. She had to keep strong.

They grabbed her feet and dragged her out. They seized her by her t-shirt and forcefully heaved her towards a rope that was dangling from the ceiling. They hung her by her wrists and let her suspended her feet barely touching the ground.

"Listen," said Mr. Pockmark, his voice becoming more temperate, "we already know who you are. Just tell us why you're here and who you're working with and you can be on your way."

"I don't know what you're talking about. I was simply passing by."

"Aye, passing by with an MP5 and enough semtex to blow up a whole building apartment."

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