Chapter 24

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Author's Note: If you have any writing tips, please feel free to comment.

Again, I gratefully accept constructive criticism as a means to help me develop my skills as a writer.

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Chapter 24

It was four o'clock in the afternoon and Collins did not see Roach for the whole day. Her mum went to check on him early in the morning but he was nowhere to be seen. Therefore, her mum had urged her to bring him a cup of tea and some scones. Holding the tray steady, she limped upstairs and banged her good leg against the door.

"Come in."

Collins pushed the door open with her rear and placed the tray on the desk. Roach was sitting in front of his tactical laptop analyzing four constantly shifting images.

"Is that what I think it is?" asked Collins.

"Don't worry," he replied sipping his tea, "I did not place cameras inside the bathrooms or the bedrooms."

"That's a relief," she said sarcastically. "My mum thought that you needed a pick-me-up British style."

Roach chuckled and nodded approvingly. "Tell her thanks."

"Sure. So that's why we couldn't find you this morning," she remarked.

"I have to be sure that every angle of the house is monitored and recorded. Any intel can be of use in these times. Therefore, we should not be careless."

Collins stood silent for a moment as Roach sipped his tea, his eyes scanning the images in front of him.

"I appreciate what you're doing," she blurted out.

Roach turned around and looked at her. The corners of his mouth curved upwards and nodded in recognition.

"I didn't want to barge into your lives Lainey," he said.

"I know. I apologize for how I have behaved yesterday and the preceding months."

Roach put his mug on the tray and got up to face her. He rested his hands on her shoulders and squeezed slightly.

"Actually, it was my fault for coming on to you. You know... that one time before the mission," he chuckled, embarrassed of his actions. "Right now, I want to concentrate on yours and your mum's safety."

The doorbell rang and Roach's head snapped towards his laptop. One of the cameras showed a middle-aged man was barely standing on the front porch. His hair was shaved and looked like he was chewing something. His trousers could barely hold his beer belly. His muscles which probably toned and chiseled a decade before now looked saggy.

Collins looked alert at once and urged Roach to stay in his room. She limped downstairs and joined her mum who just opened the front door.

"Hi honey, I'm home," he slurred.

"Gordon, what the hell are you doing here?" she said in disgust.

"Now sweetheart is that any way to greet your husband?" he said, wobbling inside the house.

"Get out and get lost!" spat Collins.

"Don't you dare talk to me like that you poor excuse of a soldier," he scowled. "You should have joined the Navy like your father! Instead, you joined the fuckin' Army!"

He swung his arm across Mrs. Collins and hit her on her cheek. She bumped her head across the wall as a result of the force and slid on the floor.

"Oh honey, you bumped your head," he smirked.

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