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Author's Note: If you have any writing tips, please feel free to comment.

Again, I gratefully accept constructive criticism as a means to help me develop my skills as a writer.  

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6 months later...

The dinning noise of helicopter blades echoed inside the Black Hawk where six soldiers donning black tactical uniforms were joking around and teasing each other. Their M4A1s hanging on a sling on their side with the exception of one soldier who had a Gladius sniper rifle tucked away neatly in its cover at her feet.

"Collins, what's with the long face?" asked Ross.

"It's this wedding. The planning is getting on my nerves."

On the other side, Lisa and Charlene smirked and Red giggled.

"It's your fault for wanting to tie the knot," teased Red.

Collins smiled shyly and went to the ring dangling on her necklace.

"How could I say no to Gary?" she flushed.

"Lucky Roach," smiled Charlene.

Collins was chewing on a toffee as she gazed outside and saw the canopy, endless leaves and branches weaved together creating a never-ending blanket of greenery. Amidst this blanket there were few emergent trees, standing lonesome, working hard to absorb the most sunlight they could.

"Hey Collins," yelled Morgan. "Collins!"


She threw her a bright red plastic square wrapper.

"You'll be needing that for your wedding night," she mocked her.

Collins gasped and threw the toffee wrapper straight in Morgan's face.

"Very funny Hailey. Remember that I will be spotting you. You don't want to mess with me."

Morgan's roaring laugh caused the others to laugh along. A voice in Lisa's ear changed her expression to a serious one.

"Ladies, lock and load!" she roared.

The soldiers checked their weapons and remained alert as Lisa went to her earpiece.

"Sergeant Rogers? This is Captain Malloy of the Elite Task Force. We understand you need assistance."

"Affirmative Captain. Glad they sent the angels to get us out of this hellhole."

"Hang in the Sergeant, we'll be there in 60 seconds."

Lisa glimpsed at Ross and Morgan. They were checking their weapons before they arrived. But what caught her attention was the look in Charlene's, Red's and Collins' eyes. They were back in their element and it showed. Fox got up and stood alongside Lisa. They glanced at each other and smiled.

"Just like old times eh?" asked Charlene, beaming.

Lisa looked at her colleague, best friend, and sister-in-arms and gladly returned her smile.

"Just like old times."

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Quick Author's Note:

There we go, everybody. This is the final chapter for Disavowed but Not Forgotten. It's been one heck of a journey and I enjoyed every part of it. I loved writing this fic for y'all and I really hope you guys enjoyed it as much as I did.

Thank you for all the support you guys provided by taking the time to write comments/feedback. Thank you to my silent readers; even by you only reading this still encouraged me to write the next chapter. And finally, taking the time to follow me, vote on this story, and adding this fic to your reading list.

One final note: I already have another story in mind and it is centered around the MW 2019 era as well. If you wish to keep updated, you can follow me. However, this may take some time to upload the first chapter, and to be honest with you, I might not upload it at all.

Thank you again, everyone, and take care! <3

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