Chapter 8

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Author's Note: Another chapter is up! Enjoy :D

If you have any writing tips, please feel free to comment.

Again, I gratefully accept constructive criticism as a means to help me develop my skills as a writer.

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Chapter 8

Price was washing his face in the upstairs bathroom when he stopped and observed himself in the mirror. Water was dripping from his face, onto his neck, and down his chest. He studied how his face has become wrinkled due to old age and how his eyes expressed determination... or maybe desperation? Desperate, to catch Makarov and to protect his mate Soap. He sighed and shook his head. Why did he feel helpless? They've eliminated Zakhaev, and even Teresa Espinosa, the notorious terrorist who worked with Makarov who was also Viktor Zakhaev's girlfriend. Yet, he felt no sense of accomplishment whatsoever.

He grabbed a towel, dried his face and put on his army standard t-shirt. He eyed annoyingly the casual clothing MacTavish has laid down for him to 'blend in with the locals'. Bright blue t-shirt and a pair of red trousers. No way was he going to wear those. MacTavish is an outstanding soldier but he was shite when it came to shopping. If blending with the locals meant wearing that monstrosity, he preferred to be locked inside until the end of time. Price chuckled as he put on his boonie hat and went downstairs.

In the backyard, Daniels was smoking while sitting down on the ground. The grass felt cool and soft between her fingers and a thought snapped in her head. It was at the park, the first day she met Derek. She was lying down on the grass when a ball hit her on the face. She could never forget the way he was stammering apologies over and over. Suddenly, tears fogged up her sight and she quickly wiped them away as she heard the backdoor open.

"Hey there," said Malloy, grinning.

"Lisa," said Daniels while offering her a cigarette.

Malloy gladly took one and lighted it up with her Zippo containing the emblem of the Elite Task Force. She joined her on the grass and stared at the clouds bobbing in the sky.

"How are you?"

"I'm coping," replied Daniels. "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure, fire away."

"Do you ever get over it? I mean, what did you do when you learn when your brother was killed?"

Malloy looked down in dismay. How can she forget about her brother Thomas?

"Tommy was killed in action in Afghanistan so we were kind of prepared for the risks he was taking when he enrolled in the Army. The fact that he was just eighteen years old fresh out of Basic made me so angry... I still got my older sister who will give birth any time now. And you still got your mother and father."

She then turned to Daniels and gave her a reassuring smile.

"I will be lying if I told you that you will get over it and that everything will be fine. However, time will heal and you will feel better. That, I promise you."

"That's what Yuri told me," said Daniels.

"Well, then Yuri told something useful for once," said Malloy, with a hint of disrespect in her voice.

"You really don't like him do you?"

"The man worked with Makarov. I think that's pretty self-explanatory."

"Give him a chance," said Daniels nudging her.

"You Marines are getting too soft," Malloy joked.

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