Chapter 37

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Author's Note: If you have any writing tips, please feel free to comment.

Again, I gratefully accept constructive criticism as a means to help me develop my skills as a writer.

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Chapter 37

John and Simon were just finishing up a meeting when they decided to grab a cup of coffee in the break room. The windows of the break room were large enough to observe the majority of the base. The former leaned against the counter and sipped the bitter coffee. The latter observed him intently and finally said, "What's on your mind, John?"

"I don't know if it was a mistake pushing Lisa into this."

"They needed to get back into this. This is where they belong and this is what they were born to do," he said determinedly.

"I wish I was as confident as you Ghost," he chuckled.

"I mean -"

But Simon stopped abruptly. John frowned and turned around to see what had shocked him.

"Oh bloody hell," said Simon in disbelief.

They were looking at their wives injured, with bloody faces waiting for them below. They rushed outside to reach them and gasped. They looked worse close-up. Charlene had half her face beaten black and blue and puffing up by the seconds, and Lisa could barely see out of her right eye. The handkerchief in her hand had a bright red color and blood was still flowing from her nose.

John and Simon decided to remain silent as they walked towards their cars.

Lisa threw her bag at the foot of the bed at the hotel they were staying in. Charlene and Simon had insisted to stay with them while they were in England but they declined and John was thankful for their decision because he felt a storm was brewing. Lisa went straight into the shower without even a glance at him. They have not exchanged one word during the whole journey from the base to their hotel.

He was folding his clothes when she came out wrapped in a towel.

"How's your nose?"

"Well... it stopped bleeding all over the place at least."


"I don't care John. I just don't care anymore."

"If you want to quit, then quit," he said calmly.

Her brow furrowed, baffled.

"But you were the one who -"

"I know," he interrupted. "But I don't want you to be forced into this."

He walked towards her and held her into an embrace, "I just want you to be happy."

She smiled and buried her head in the crook of his neck and inhaled his musky scent. They broke apart and gazed deeply into each other's eyes.

"So," said John, beaming, "what have you decided?"

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Quick Author's Note: Did you love that chapter!? I hope you did! Show your support for the author by simply clicking the little VOTE button to the bottom left or top right of your screen! Have a wonderful day!

Votes and Comments/Feedback most enthusiastically welcome!

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