Chapter 9

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Author's Note: If you have any writing tips, please feel free to comment.

Again, I gratefully accept constructive criticism as a means to help me develop my skills as a writer.

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Chapter 9

His head felt heavy and he could hear muffled noises around him. A beeping sound with a constant rhythm, people talking, and clinking noises that sounds like clipboards are being thumped against a metal surface. What was going on? Where was he? He groaned as he tried to get up but the pillow was too comfortable. He opened his eyes slowly and saw a blurry image in front of him. As the view in front of him got clearer, he could see someone near him wearing royal blue scrubs. He tried calling out but no sound came from his mouth.

"O mio Dio, si è svegliato! Chiama Dottor Malloy, veloce!"

She is speaking Italian? Where the hell was he? The nurse did something with the IV drip and smiled at him.

"You are going to be ok, do not worry," she told him.

A moment later, another person ran next to him wearing green scrubs. She said something to the other nurses and they left her alone with him.

"Simon, I am Margaret Malloy, Lisa's mother," she said in a whisper.

"I remember you," said Ghost, weakly. "Where am I?"

"You're in a military hospital in Palermo, Sicily," she continued. "I used to work here as a guest surgeon years back. This was the best place I could bring you and your colleague here. I know these people and I trust them."


"Your friend, Gary, was in a worse condition than you."

He shifted his head to his right and saw his mate, Roach, with an oxygen mask over his nose and mouth and numerous wires coming out of him just like he was.

"Gary is still unconscious. Both of you suffered from a ruptured lung. The Elite Task Force took you to a nearby hospital in Nalchik near the Caucasus Mountains. I extracted you and transferred you here. No one knows you're alive except me, my husband, the ETF and Task Force 141. So you're in safe hands."

"Will we be ok?" asked Ghost.

"They performed surgery on both of you in Russia and managed to stabilize you. Nevertheless, you suffered a substantial amount of blood loss. You went into cardiac arrest multiple times due to loss of oxygen circulation and even though you managed to recover, we were still not sure if you were able to make it."

"What about Price and MacTavish?"

"They're the most wanted men in the world but they're still alive."

Ghost dreaded to ask her the next question but Dr. Malloy read his mind.

"Charlene is safe as well, Simon, don't worry."

"I need to talk to her," he insisted.

"You can't," she replied firmly. "You'll compromise them and yourselves. I'll inform her that you have woken up. I'll try and find a way for you to communicate with her later on. Right now, you need to rest."

"Thank you for everything Doctor," said Ghost, half-smiling. "I appreciate everything you're doing for us."

She gave him a reassuring nod and walked away. Ghost looked around him and observed his environment. It was quite a roomy ward with a nurse station in the middle and beds placed in a semi-circle. Ghost and Roach were on the far right side of the ward with sunshine popping through high ceiling windows on their right.

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