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I waited anxiously for us to get home. It feels so weird to call it that. I took out my phone and looked down at it. I just stared at the black screen wondering what to do to make the time pass faster. I could talk to Finn but I don't want to seem annoying. Plus I think he fell asleep and I don't want to distract Mary. Or I guess mom. I unlocked my phone and scrolled through social media for a little. I switch to my fan account and scrolled through there for a little. A lot of people were posting about Finns deleted Instagram story. I feel my face get hot as I lock my phone and look up out the window again. I don't know why it made me blush but it did. Was I embarrassed? Why do I feel embarrassed? I glanced at Mary and she was looking into the rear view mirror. She smirked at me.

"Why are you all red, sweetheart? Your boyfriend text you or something?" This made Finn shoot straight up. "You have a boyfriend?" He said whipping his head around. My eyes got wide and I blushed even more. "N-no!" I said shuddering. I covered my face. "Awww! My little Ame has a boyfriend!" Finn said in a singsong voice. I removed my hands from my face and rolled my eyes. "No, I don't! I was just looking on Instagram and saw that everyone was posting about what you posted on your story!" I said loudly. Finn's smile dropped and his face got pale. He mouthed me to shut up and I looked at him confused.

"What did you post, honey?" Mary asked giving Finn the side eye. Finn sighed loudly. He slightly glared at me and turned to face her. "I.. I may or may not have posted about Ame.. like not actually her but about trying to find her.." Finn said sheepishly. Mary's eyes got wide. "Finn Wolfhard! Do you know what you might have done? No one was supposed to know until all the paperwork got through! Management is not going to be happy with you." She shouted. I sunk down into my seat feeling embarrassed.

"I was desperate mom! I wanted to find her as fast as I could and guess what? It worked." He said his voices breaking. My stomach flipped and I felt awkward even being in the car. "Finn. We would have found her eventually. I wanted to find her as fast as I could too but you shouldn't have done this. Eric is going to be so upset." She said shifting her gaze from the road to Finn. She let out a loud and frustrated sigh.

Finn turned away from her and looked out his window. My heart was racing so fast. How can I mess things up this fast? I stared at Finn from the back seat. I should've just kept my mouth shut. My phone started ringing loudly in my lap breaking the awkward silence. I quickly answered it.

"Hello?" I said quietly.

"Is this Amalia?" The unfamiliar voice asked totally butchering my name. I looked up and saw Mary looking at me again through the mirror. I shifted in my seat.

"Yes," I said nervously. "Who's this?"

"Perfect! I was afraid I had the wrong number. This is Nick Wolfhard. You know, your brother." I sigh in relief. He paused for a moment. There was a small conversation on the other line when he spoke up again. "I was just calling to ask where you guys are and if you guys are almost here. Finn isn't answering his phone for some reason and Dad is starting to get worried. Is everything okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, everything's fine. I'm not sure how far we are from home," I was cut off by Mary "we're about 15 minutes away." She said. "About 15 minutes and we should be there," I said.

"Okay cool. I'll tell dad that. I guess I'll see you in 15 minutes then. Bye Amalia!" He said mispronouncing my name again. I cringe a little but I said a quick goodbye and he hung up the phone. I smiled to myself. He seems like a fun person already. We'll just have to work on my name. "Was that Nick or dad?" Mary asked. I felt weird when she called him dad. It didn't feel natural to me. I hesitated but answered.

"It was Nick. He said that.. that uh... dad was worried and how far away we were." I said awkwardly. My face got pink and she smiled. "Baby, you can call him dad, and you're welcomed to call me mom. I'd actually love it if you called me mom. And I'm sure Eric will love it when you call him dad. You don't have to be embarrassed or shy around us. We're family." She said. I smiled shyly and nodded my head. "Okay then.. mom" she smiled wildly at me and concentrated on the road.

The rest of the way there was quiet. I think that Finn had fallen back asleep so I couldn't talk to him plus I think he's mad at me and I still felt too awkward to talk to Mary. Or I guess I should refer to her as mom.

We have been on the road for about half an hour now. This area was more in the city. Cars passed rapidly and there were tall buildings. I've never been to this part of Vancouver and it's only thirty minutes away. I can understand why though. Karen probably didn't want to get caught here. It's so beautiful here though. The houses are a lot nicer here too. We turn into a neighborhood and mom slows down at a big beautiful blue house. I stare at it in awe. "Welcome home, sweetheart." She said coming to a stop. I smiled and opened the door excitedly. This is the beginning of a new life!

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