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"Lia get off that phone of yours!" My mom demanded. I rolled my eyes but reluctantly turned off my phone and stuck it in my back pocket. "What can you possibly be doing on that phone that is so important, huh?" I opened my mouth to speak but she cut me off. "I don't want to hear your excuses. If you keep doing it I'm going to take that damn thing away from you." I sighed deeply trying to calm down. I could feel the annoyance bubbling inside my gut. We were having dinner as a 'family'. It was just me, my mom, and my little sister, Sara, who is only 4. My dad wasn't around anymore. Not since I was 7. I'm now 16 years old and I haven't seen my dad in years.

"I'm going out later." I simply said while poking at my plain chicken. My mom just nodded not really caring much. As long as I came back by ten, I could go anywhere. "Just be home by-" "ten. I know." I sassed her. I stood up and placed my dish in the sink. I thanked her for the meal then ran up to my room.

It was currently 1 pm and I was wanting to hang out with Rory. She has something really important to tell me. I grabbed my bag and phone charger then ran back downstairs. I yelled out a goodbye then made my way to Rory's house. She only lived a few blocks away so I decided to walk. I can drive there but I like walking better. As I approached her house she came running out. She nearly tackled me to the floor. "Oh my god!! I have so much gossip! Get ready to get your ears talked off!!" I laughed and hugged her back. "Oh you know I'm ready." She ran to her car and opened the driver door. "Come on. We're going to the park." She smiled widely.

I got in the passenger side and we took off to the park. "So what is this gossip about?" I asked and she turned on the radio. "Umm, who else would it be about, honey?" I laughed knowing who it was. "Okay well, what about Finn then?" I asked giggling. Rory and I were kind of obsessed with Stranger Things. We loved the whole cast but especially Finn. "I'll tell you when we get there." I just shrugged and went along with it.

We got to the park after about five minutes. We walked over to the swing sets. We both sat on one and started swaying back and forth. "Okay, you ready Lia?" I nodded my head and got ready to get a lot of information dumped on me.

"Okay, so, apparently Finn has a sister! And not just a sister, but a twin sister. A twin, Lia! Isn't that cool?!" I looked at her confused. "Is this why we came all the way to the park? Seriously Rory?" I rolled my eyes. "That's not all though! So apparently Finn and his family are looking for her. She got abducted by this couple as a little baby or something like that and they looked for years but couldn't find her anywhere. She's supposed to be in our area, Lia! What if it's someone we know." I gave her a puzzled look. "So you're telling me, Finn has a twin, yet no one knows about it. But you do? How do you know?" She just laughed. "I know almost everything, Lia. Plus Finn put it on his insta story but then deleted it almost immediately. He was fast but not faster than me. I saw it, screenshot it, and now I have proof. Look." She showed me her phone and I was in shock. "Damn Rory. You're good." I laughed. "I know." We both laughed for a little.

"I wonder what Finn and his family are going to do. I mean how are they supposed to find a 16-year-old girl that has been missing since birth practically. I mean it's quite impossible if you ask me. They don't even know what she looks like. She probably has curly hair like Finn and brown eyes. Maybe she's tall like Finn too. I hope they do find her though." She said swinging back and forth. She looked at me and examined my appearance. Then at herself. "Wouldn't it be crazy if it was one of us? I mean we both kind of fit the description. Right?" I chuckled to myself.

"You, my friend, are insane. What if this is some kind of trick. You know Finn! Maybe he's just pulling our leg." She looked at me once more. "You know, now that I think of it, you don't look much like your mom. Do you remember how your dad looked like?" I shook my head. "It's been a while. I don't remember much just his blue eyes." I said looking down at my feet.

"Oh..." was all she said in return. "Well think about it, Amelia, your mom and dad both have blue eyes and you have brown eyes. Your mom had naturally blond hair and you have brown hair. You are wayyy taller than your mom and, I hate to break it to you, but you don't look like your sister at all..." I rolled my eyes. "And your point, Aurora?" I asked looking at her. "What if you are Finns twin! I mean think about it, don't you think it's a little suspicious that you guys both have the same birthday? Plus you have always said that your mom never had pictures of when she was pregnant and-" I stood up getting fed up.

"What's your point, Rory! I'm not Finn's sister okay? My mom said she was going through a rough time when I was in her stomach and that's why she doesn't have pictures of her pregnancy. Can we just drop this topic? It's actually starting to annoy me." I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. She stood up as well. "Lia, just hear me out! I might be on to something!" "Are you serious, Rory? You know what? I'm done. Text me when you get your mind out of the gutters." I stormed off leaving Rory standing there dumbfounded. I glanced back and saw her taking out her phone.

I might have information
about your twin sister.
Ohh things got spicy
I'm actually not mad at this. Might do some editing later

The Lost Twin | Finn WolfhardWhere stories live. Discover now