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Maybe it was the morning light or the sudden change in temperature but I shot up in bed. I was sweating and I felt like a couldn't breath. I looked at my surroundings and they didn't look familiar. Everything was dark and cold.. the room had an eerie feel. I reached for the covers to cover my shivering body but my hands couldn't move. I was chained to the bed. I struggled hoping that I can release my hands but it was no use. I heard footsteps in the hallway. Loud and heavy footsteps. They got louder and louder then they stopped at the doorway. Terrified I started squirming and screaming. It felt like I had a ton of bricks on my chest when I was screaming. The doorknob juggled then the door swung open to reveal... no. It can't be. It can't be-

My shoulders were being shaken in an attempt to wake me up. I opened my eyes and looked at Finn. "Amelia, are you okay?" Finn asked. Tears formed in my eyes and I hugged him. "Ame, what's wrong? What happened?" He asked. I pulled away to look at him in the eyes.

"I... he.. it-" I couldn't even form a full sentence. I was still terrified. I just shook my head and wiped my eyes. "It was just a nightmare," I said brushing it off. He looked at me with concern in his eyes. I looked away from him.

"Finn I'm fine," I said after a few seconds of silence. He placed a hand on my cheek and moved my head to look at him. I rested my cheek on his hand and sighed. "It's not just a nightmare, Ame. You were screaming, shaking and sweating. That's not just a typical nightmare. What happened." He said. I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath.

"When I was younger... I use to have these dreams. They were.. about my dad..." I paused and looked at him again. He nodded his head and I continued. "My dad, he wasn't the greatest father. I mean, he used to hit my mom.. and then on an occasion he would hit me," Finn removed his hand from my face but grabbed my hand. "There was this one day where he.. he uh," I paused and looked away from Finn. New tears were reforming in my eyes. Thinking about it was like I was reliving it again.

"Ame, you don't have to continue if you don't want to." He said squeezing my hand. "No.. it's okay. I want you to know. You're my twin and you should know what was going on with my life." I said wiping my tears away with the back of my free hand.

"Okay, so, one day he.. he took me away. Like he took me away from my mom. I was playing in the backyard and he just scooped me up. I thought we were playing a game, but I knew something was up when he threw me in his car and sped away. He pretty much kidnapped me and uh... he locked me in this dark, and cold room. That's where I would sleep, eat, and use the restroom. At first, I had more leisure. Like I wasn't tied to the bed or anything and I was free to walk around and leave the room a couple of times a week to get some sunlight. Then, I decided that I wanted my mommy and that I wasn't comfortable with him or what he was doing to me."

"I didn't know that what he was doing was wrong at the time. I was only five-ish or maybe six so it's not like I knew any better. I loved my dad and I thought we were having fun. After two weeks I got tired of sleeping on the hard mattress and cold room. So, on one of one the days that I could be outside for a little, I decided to run away. So that's what I did. But he... He caught me almost immediately." I said shivering at the thought.

"When he caught me, he took me back to the house and beat me up pretty bad... he beat me so much worse than any other time... I was bleeding all over and I'm pretty sure he broke a couple of my ribs. Then.. after that day, he would chain me up to my bed. He always made sure that the cuffs were tight against my wrist so that if I did move, it would rub against my skin and cause it to bleed. He also wouldn't feed me as much anymore. I was lucky if I got even a bite of food during the week. My mom wanted to report to the police but she feared that it would go viral." I shook my head and smiled a little.

The Lost Twin | Finn WolfhardWhere stories live. Discover now