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Nick headed up the stairs with my stuff and I followed closely behind. "Okay so, this is my room here," He said pointing to the right. "Bathrooms there," He said pointing to the left. "And here's a storage room." He said pointing to the right as we passed it. "And here's your room." He said stopping at one of the last doors.

"What's that one?" I asked pointing to the door in front of my door. "That's a music kind of room. It has all of Finns music stuff." I just said oh. I walked over to my door and opened it up. "Woah. This is room is huge and... messy." I said walking in. Instantly it smelled strongly of a teenage boy. Too much cologne mixed with some BO. "Umm.. ew," I plugged my nose. "This is disgusting. Do you think Finn would mind if I move some stuff around?" I asked Nick. He didn't respond so I turned around. He wasn't even standing there. I rolled my eyes and walked over to what I presumed was my bed. The bed sheets were a light pink and in the other bed it was a dark blue almost black. I threw my pillows on there and started to clean up. I picked up all his dirty clothes and threw it into the basket.

"I feel like I need some gloves for this." I said to myself. I laughed at my own joke and continued to clean it up. I decided to open the window to try and get the smell out of the room.

I picked up some vinyl records and laid them out in alphabetical order. I placed it next to the record player which had some records on it already. I gathered some of his shoes and placed them neatly on a rack he had in the closet. He obviously doesn't use it but I'll tell him to do so. I went and got my suitcase which was still laying out in the hallway where Nick had left it.

I brought it in and placed my clothes neatly in the dresser next to my bed. I had brought some pictures of Sara and I and a couple of me and Rory from back home so I hung those up on top of my bed. Maybe later on I can buy some fairy lights and hang them up to make it more aesthetically pleasing. Just as I hung up the last picture I heard a loud laugh followed by footsteps coming towards the door. I quickly got off my bed and sat on it. I tried to look normal so I took out my phone and unlocked it. As I did so, the doors swung open.

It was Finn and Millie. Finn stood in front of Millie with his mouth open. I looked up at him and smiled. "Hey, Finn." I said then looked back down at my phone.

"What.. the.. hell did you do in here." He said looking around the room. "I cleaned up. I also decorated my half of the room like you said I could. Do you like it?" I asked setting down my phone on the bed. He kind of glared at me. "Why did you move everything from my side of the room? I had things exactly how I wanted them. Everything had it's place. You have no right in moving my personal stuff." Finn said, his voice increasing in volume. He was starting to sound irritated. I could see Millie shift awkwardly in her spot. "Finn, maybe you should calm down." Millie said quietly placing her hand on his shoulder. He shrugged it off. "Yeah, I could, or maybe she can learn to not touch stuff that's not hers." He said pointing a finger at me. I got up off the bed getting mad at how he's treating me.

"Hey look, I dont know what crawled up your ass but I don't like being treated like this. This room was fucking disgusting. There was shoes, dirty clothes and random shit everywhere and I went out of my way and cleaned everything up because I have to stay in this room too. Not only you. I don't know who you think you are. Do you seriously not know how to be fucking grateful? You were the one that wanted to share rooms. I'm sure if I asked mom or dad if Nick can just stay with you, they would do that in a heartbeat but I wanted to spend time with you and talk to you but you seemed to turn into an asshole just cause you did something that your mom didn't know about and I so happened to bring it up. You don't think they would've found out sooner or later? It's not my fault that you made a stupid ass choice, so stop acting like it is." I said with tears building up in my eyes. I grabbed my phone and headed for the door. He watched me with shocked eyes. I pushed past him and Millie. Millie looked shocked too but neither of them said anything. As I walked downstairs the tears flooded my eyes. I didn't turn around though. I just kept walking.

I decided to go on a walk to cool down. I don't want to explode on anyone else right now. I opened the front door and shut it quietly behind me. The warm summer air hit my bright red cheeks. Maybe a stroll around the block will help me out. As I began my voyage my phone started vibrating. I looked at it and saw the caller ID pop up.
        ~Finn :)~
I declined it and kept walking. My phone kept buzzing and buzzing and it was annoying me. I looked at the caller ID again but it wasn't a familiar number. I answered it.

"Where did you go? Are you okay?" The familiar voice said. It was my mom.
"Yeah, I'm fine. I just needed to go on a walk to burn some steam. I'll be back in a little bit." I heard her talking to someone else then she spoke again.
"Don't be to late. And next time tell us before you go anywhere so we don't freak out. Where are you?" I looked around and tried to make out something clear.
"Umm... I'm where there's a lot of flower trees. It's just down the block." I said.
"Alright. I'll see you when you get home then. Bye baby." She said. I hung up the phone and continued my walk peacefully.

As I was on my way home anxiety hit me hard. I don't want to have to confront Finn. It's not like it's something I can actually avoid. But it has me thinking. Did I go too hard on him? I mean he's not use to having a sister and probably not use to sharing a room. He might also be going though somethings. Now I'm sounding selfish. I think I might have went a little too hard on him but nothing I said was a lie. Everything was true.

I sighed and walked a bit slower. The sun was starting to set a little so it was getting a tad bit dark. The warm summer breeze became colder. I hugged myself and started to walk a bit faster. I probably shouldn't have gone that extra block. As the house came into view I could see Finn on the porch. My stomach did a flip and the butterflies emerged. I didn't think I would have to confront him this fast. Oh well, theres no better time than now. I neared the porch. He stood up as soon as he saw me coming. 

"Amelia, I'm so sorry." He said pulling me into a hug. I didn't do anything but stand there. It didn't feel right. "Finn let go of me." I said pushing him off of me. "You seriously can't do this to me. I don't think you know what I went through. Just a couple of days ago I was living a totally different life. I had another mom and a little sister which I don't even know where she is. She can be across Canada right now for all I know. I miss her to death already and it hasn't even been twenty four hours. I had a best friend who lived down my block and now.. I'm with a completely new family in a completely new area that I've never been in and with new expectations. I'm not perfect, Finn." I said pushing past him. "Wait." He said grabbing my arm. I turned and looked at him. I waited for him to speak but he just looked at me.

"Amelia.. I never said I wanted you to be perfect. I know what you're going through is hard and life changing and I know you need to adapt. The thing is.." he paused. He took in a deep breath and continued. "I'm going though some things too. I have to be perfect on social media at all times. If I slip up, it can mean the end of my career. That's why I got a little irritated that you told mom. I wanted to tell her what I did on my own time. The fact that you told her, got me in a lot of trouble and I know you didn't mean any harm. I act on impulse, Ame. But I'll try and not do that to you. I'm truly sorry." He said letting go of my arm. I felt so bad at his point. "Oh my god.. Finn I'm so sorry." I said hugging him. "I didn't think of that. I should have know."

"It's okay, Ame. No ones perfect. Let's go inside. It's kind of cold out here." He said breaking the hug up. I smiled at him and we both went inside.

I looked down at my phone and saw that it was barely 9:48pm yet I was dead tired. "Hey Finn, I'm going to go to sleep. I'm tired and it's been a long day." I said starting to walk up the stairs. He followed close behind me. "Yeah me too." We walked into the room and went to our own beds. "Hey, Ame?"

"Hmm?" I hummed quietly. "Thank you for cleaning my room. It's a lot better now." I smiled at him. No problem, Finn. I'll turn off the lights." I said getting out of bed to turn them off. "Goodnight Finn."

"Goodnight, Amelia."

Umm omg? Last chapter I was so excited that we hit 300 reads but now it's gone up to almost 400?? Ahh you guys are the best.

Also! I'm putting in some new characters soon so if you want a chance to be a "character" in the book, comment and I'll choose some people! (Not that a lot will do so hah!) see you guys in the next update 💕

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