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I was awoken from my sleep by a loud bang. I sat up on my bed and looked around. I looked at Finn's bed but saw no one there. Scared, I swung my feet off the edge of my bed. My bare feet touched the cold floor. As I stood up I heard another bang. I jumped at this one. It's okay. You'll be okay. I said trying to comfort myself.

"Finn?" I called out cautiously. He's probably in the bathroom. Why am I so scared... I shouldn't be. I'm fine. Everything is okay. I just need to relax. "Finn?" I called louder. I heard no response so I walked towards the door. I heard another loud bang and I yelped. "What the fuck.." I whispered under my breath.

I opened the door and searched for for the hall. The room across was lit up. I walked closer and put my ear against it. Another band but it was followed by a snare and a clash. It was a drum set. Figuring this is where Finn was I knocked on the door. "Finn?" I whisper shouted. There was a slight pause then I heard a voice. "Shit, who's that? I thought everyone was asleep Finn." They said so quietly that I almost didn't hear them. "I told you to go easy on the drums Malcolm!" I heard Finn say.

I heard footsteps coming towards the door so I stepped back. I waited there with my arms crossed. Finn opened the door only enough so that his face was showing. "Finn, what the hell are you doing? It's like 3 in the fucking morning." I said rubbing my eyes to adjust to the bright light. He shushed me and pulled me in. "What the fu- oh." I paused when I saw three of what I assume are Finn's friends. "So this is Ayla," he pointed at the girl "Jack," he pointed to the guy holding I bass. I smiled and waved. "And Malcolm. The person that doesn't know how to go easy on the bass drum." Finn said scolding him. I smiled and nodded at him. "Okay that's cool but, why are you guys playing so late at night. Or should I say early in the morning." I said rolling my eyes.

"Well you see, I couldn't sleep. Neither could Ayla, Jack, or Malcolm. So I said band practice and they said yeah." I looked at him unamused. "Well, your drummer woke me up and nearly gave me a heart attack," I said pointing at the blushing boy. "Well, I'm sorry princess. Do you want to go back to sleep and get your beauty sleep?" He said in an annoying kiddish voice. "Shut up Wolfhard. I'm staying. I can't sleep now that I've been scared to death." I said taking a seat in one of the many chairs in the room.

Finn just shrugged. "Whatever. That's cool with me. Alright, guys let's start it from the beginning and for the love of god Malcolm, take it easy on the drums. We all know that my mom wouldn't appreciate it." Malcolm nodded and they started playing. The melody of the song was nice and smooth and had an indie feel to it. I don't listen to this kind of music but it was nice and mellow. A big change to the pop-rock type of music I like to listen to. Finn started to sing and it was so good. I reckoned that it was an original song of theirs. I knew Finn sang but I didn't know he was this good. I swayed to the beat finding myself falling back asleep. Then the song got faster and more intense and it woke me right up. Malcolm's drums picked up the whole song and Ayla went off on the guitar. I smiled to myself. I can grow to like this kind of music.

The song ended and I had no words. "What did you think Ame? Album material?" He asked walking over to me putting his hand on my shoulder. "That was.." I tried to find the right word to describe it. "That was amazing Finn. Like I didn't expect that to be so good." I said softly smiling at him. "Thanks, Ame. Alright, guys, we've been practicing for almost two hours. I think we're good for today. Remember, don't use the front door. Use the back. See you guys later." They all said goodbye and left.

"Finnnn," I said hugging his side. He smiled and pulled me into a full hug. He was warm and smelled like his cologne. "Ugh, I love the smell of your cologne," I said hugging him tighter. He chucked and I felt the vibration on my cheek. "That's a little weird but thanks?"

"Oh my gosh, Finn just take the freaking compliment," I said laughing at him. I pulled away from the hug and we just looked at each other. "Hey... I'm still really sorry about what happened. I still feel really bad." I just shook my head. "It's fine Finn. I'm over it. What's done is done." I said shrugging my shoulder.

"Let's go back to our room. Do you want to watch Netflix or something? I'm not tired." He asked swinging his arm around my shoulder. "Sure. What show though?" He hummed. "How about... Big Mouth?"

"Yess! I love that show." I said starting to walk to the door, Finn following right next to me with his arm still around me. "My bed or yours?" He asked when we entered our room. "Mmm yours," I said already walking towards it. "Alright." I flopped down on it and sprawled out.

"Your bed is sooooooo comfortable, Finny," I said rolling into his blanket making me a burrito. "Yeah I know right." He said flopping next to me. "You need to share that blanket though. It's cold as fuck in here." My jaw dropped. "Finn, how dare you use that kind of language in this household. That is not appropriate!" I said smacking his arm. "Hey! You were cursing when I opened the door to the music room. It's only fair." He said laughing. I joined him and proceeded to unwrap the blanket from myself.

He picked up his laptop from his nightstand and opened it. "Let's get ready for this marathon." He said. I threw the blanket over both of us snuggled up next to him and we stayed like that for a while.

After the first 2 episodes, I felt myself drifting to sleep. I looked up at Finn and saw that he had already fallen asleep. I closed the computer and put it back on the nightstand. I contemplated on going back to my bed but found that I was way too comfortable to move. I pulled the blanket up to cover my shoulders so I would get maximum warmth. I scooted away from Finn to give him space and we fell asleep like that. I can't believe I've been missing out on this for my whole life. I could've had a binge buddy!

A bit of a shorter chapter but I really wanted to get this out as fast as possible because I feel like I don't update enough. Sorry I'll try to update faster!

The Lost Twin | Finn WolfhardWhere stories live. Discover now